Guy Dressed as Aladdin with Magic Carpet Ride Prank On New York City

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New York City residents received an early Halloween surprise when Disney's street urchin Aladdin and his "magic carpet" came zooming down the streets. The clever stunt that appeared to be straight out of the popular movie was the brainchild of vlogger Jesse Wellens and reality television star Casey Neistat.

The two came up with the idea just two weeks ago following some intense brainstorming. While there wasn't enough time to create a flying carpet like the one Aladdin had, they did manage to build a pretty incredible one using an electric skateboard and red cloth!

[youtube height=”500″ width=”800″][/youtube]

This looks fantastic. Jesse Wellens of the PrankvsPrank used a disguised electric skateboard and dressed as Aladdin to take an electric magic carpet ride around New York City
Casey Neistat filmed it.

Casey Neistat and a couple of his friends rigged up an electric skateboard to function as Aladdin's carpet. Once it was ready to fly roll all that was left was for Jesse to hop on and blow the minds of New Yorkers.

[youtube height=”500″ width=”800″][/youtube]

For those that missed the live show, there is an even better video complete with a catchy remix of Aladdin's "Friend Like Me" and Robin William's powerful genie voice. Wellens and Neistat say they wanted to create something that was dramatic and entertaining and bring a smile on everyone's face on this fun holiday. If the over 15 million views the video has garnered since it was released on YouTube just three days ago is any indication, the pranksters have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams!


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