Diwali – Let’s Go Green. 17 Reasons You Should Say No To Crackers

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Why say NO to crackers!

Festivals like Diwali has own uniqueness- “it’s a festival of lights” apart from mythological stories, God’s worship, sweets and gifts what we look forward is crackers! As a kid, we used to love bursting crackers.

Bursting crackers might give you some pleasure but just look at what happens to the environment and other people near us because of these crackers. If you don’t burst crackers, please share this with the ones who do and if you do, please take a careful look at this article and then decide if you still want to go ahead with it.

Light a candle or a diya, avoid crackers this diwali, well the reason are aplenty.

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

The Earth has enough problems. Avoid Crackers. Use Green Crackers.

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Say NO to the thermocol plates

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Wasteful. Harmful. Pointless. Why burn your money on crackers.

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

This Diwali burst your EGO and not CRACKERS

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Happy without Crackers

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Papa, Don’ buy Crackers for me

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

It’s October and the A.C is still ON. Say NO to the CRACKERS

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Say NO to the wasteful packing, Please

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Save me from LOUD NOISE

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india


diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

This Diwali reuse recycle.

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

STOP Generating WASTE please

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india


diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india


diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Asthma attack last Diwali spare me this year

diwali 2014, go green, say no to crackers, pollution, save earth, india

Celebrate GREEN DIWALI, Celebrate NATURE

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