Keep Your Pets Vaccinated and Disease Free

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Enjoying a long healthy life with your pet is easier than many people think. Often pet owners become overwhelmed hearing about the endless amounts of vet visits or accessories needed for their pet, but a good place to start is to get them fully vaccinated so they are protected for years to come.

Certain vaccines are more necessary than others at specific times but this comes down to your dog’s age, environment, and lifestyle. The schedule will be drawn up by your veterinarian so you stay on top of things.

Understanding Vaccines

Being vaccinated will help your pet’s body prepare its immune system and help to fight off any attack of disease or illnesses. By taking on the disease but not necessarily being infected by it, the body then recognizes the virus and launches its attack.

This way there is a constant level of protection in your furry family members’ system and you can embrace their longevity for years together. To learn and find out more about being a pet owner check out BarkingTalk for a deeper insight into pet ownership and the responsibilities that come with it.

Core Protection

Knowing which vaccination is more important than the next can be determined by thinking about your pet’s risk of exposure to diseases, the severity of these aforementioned viruses, and whether they are transmittable through human contact.

There are a whole host of different vaccines for various diseases, as well as varying types and combinations of vaccines to fight off illness. Let’s see which have been considered a must when becoming a pet owner.

  • Cats – Feline Calicivirus, Feline Herpesvirus 1, and Rabies are considered the core vaccines and must-haves, others less immediate, and determined by the cat’s lifestyle, are Bordetella, Feline Leukemia Virus, Chlamydophila and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.
  • Dogs – Canine Hepatitis, Rabies, Canine Parvovirus, and Distemper are the main protectors for your pup, and then, depending on the risk and exposure to your dog you will look into Borrelia Burgdorferi, Bordetella Bronchiseptica, and Leptospira Bacteria later down the line.

Registering with your local vet and building a relationship with your veterinarian will make you feel more at ease and your pets will be more comfortable together you can grow through the process.

How to Keep Your Pets Free from Diseases

Buying your pup or kitten the best foods you can afford or keeping them indoors at all times will not prevent them from ever being ill or possibly catching something, but there are things you can do to prevent a spread or treat it if caught early. Here’s how:

  • Wash your hands – This is vital as germs spread so quickly this way. If you have been cleaning your pet’s cage, litter box, cleaning up after them, or you have been handling dry pet food you need to wash your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water and then sanitize. Bacteria can multiply rapidly and killing them before you do anything else is essential.
  • Vaccinations – Make sure your animals have all their shots and preventative vaccines up to date, and if you are not sure take them to the vet to be checked or ask the veterinarian to look over their chart if you have just registered with a new clinic.
  • Coughing – Not all coughing in pets is a hairball, and coughing in animals is certainly not normal and a clear indication something is off, you need to get them to the animal hospital right away. Heartworm disease, influenza, or asthma are all illnesses your pet could have if they are coughing.
  • Medication – If your vet has prescribed a course of antibiotics be sure to run the course to the end. If you stop before it is completed the body may not be fully protected against the virus for next time and your pet remains at risk.

Do the right thing

Keeping your pets vet-checked and protected is not only for their health and safety but for you and your family’s too. It also keeps other pets they may meet in the park or on a walk safe. When you take on the responsibility of being a pet owner you understand the laws and regulations that come with that, and not only are you preventing the spread of infectious diseases, but you can do it cost-effectively. 

A few regular vaccine shots are more budget-friendly than a trip to the clinic in an emergency, so do the right thing, for your family and those around you.

HomeLifeAnimalsKeep Your Pets Vaccinated and Disease Free