CBD for Dogs: Benefits in Treating Anxiety and Improving Pet Health

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As a pet owner, your pet’s quality of life is often at the forefront of your mind. Pets often suffer from many of the same issues humans do and, much like illnesses, your dog can also suffer from conditions such as anxiety. One way pet owners help their pets is through pet CBD products. Here is more information about the benefits of CBD for dogs and how it can help in the treatment of anxiety and overall health.

Stress and Anxiety In Dogs

Anxiety in dogs takes many forms and signs of it can include being scared of bad weather, not liking new people, getting stressed when left alone, and general nervousness. Anxiety in dogs can be defined as situational or behavioral. Situational stress is associated with events as the root cause, such as fireworks, travel, or bad weather. Behavioral relates to conditions such as separation anxiety. You can tell your dog has anxiety by watching its behavior and body language. Signs of anxiety in dos can include painting, whimpering, pacing, aggression, shaking, nervous licking, and a loss of appetite. The use of CBD products can help reduce your dog’s stress and improve its overall quality of life.

Using CBD To Treat Anxiety

CBD oil (Cannabidiol) is sourced from the hemp plant. Hemp plants have a long history of use in many cultures as a medical treatment and, of course, ropes. A common misconception is that CBD and marijuana are the same thing and this is not correct. While both chemicals are sourced from the hemp plant, CBD does not contain THC, the chemical that causes marijuana to cause a sensation of highness. CBD does not cause a user to become high and that includes both people and pets. CBD instead works with the endocannabinoid system to soothe anxiety and stress naturally. CBD, when ingested, interacts with natural receptors to cause a calming effect. This interaction increases the amount of serotonin created which serves to stabilize mood.

Other Uses Of CBD Products

While calming your dog’s anxiety is important, CBD products offer other very useful benefits. Your dog can also benefit from using CBD to reduce joint issues, calm neurological conditions, and help in alleviating certain types of pain. There is also ongoing testing to verify other possible benefits such as the treatment of cancer and diabetes.

Use and Dosage

The dosage amount will vary depending on both the product you’re using and the size of your dog. So always be sure to read the directions to ensure you give your dog the correct dosage for the product you are making use of and for the size and weight of your dog. Once you begin treating your dog with CBD, you’ll want to pay attention to see if there are any changes. You might want to record your dog or take notes to see if it is showing signs of improvement. Some dogs show immediate relief and increased calmness; other dogs may take a few days before responding to the treatment. Every dog is different and you may have to make adjustments to treatments to find the right balance (within safe usage parameters).

Final Thoughts

CBD is an exciting treatment and one that is seeing increased use, development, and research. This is a vibrant industry that, as it advances, will offer many benefits to helping both people and pets live better lives. In the meantime, it’s clear that CBD products are a useful remedy for your dog and one that can help reduce stress and anxiety, helping your dog deal with stress better and enjoy its days more.

HomeLifeAnimalsCBD for Dogs: Benefits in Treating Anxiety and Improving Pet Health