The Specifics of Outfits for Kids of the First Year

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Clothes for children of different ages are distinguished, first of all, by functionality and then by design and materials. If parents of toddlers are looking for simply comfortable, inexpensive, and cute things, then preschoolers are dressed more carefully, and teenagers choose clothes for themselves.

Therefore, manufacturers and sellers divide children’s clothing into age groups. Therefore, to select cute clothes for baby girls, just open the site of The Trendy Toddlers and choose the size according to the age of your daughter. This is a classic division, but lately, more and more brands are uniting groups and making, for example, the same clothes for children from 2 to 10 years old. This is logical because functional clothes for children from the moment when the child begins to walk confidently until the age of 10 do not differ much.

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Children’s Clothing from 0 to 3 Years

Children’s clothing for ages from 0 to 3 years can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

1. Clothes for newborns and children up to 6 months

Features: The things of the so-called first layer are knitted, comfortable, soft, usually made of organic textiles, with seams outward. In cold climates, it is a warm overall and a hat. There are practically no dresses, trousers and so on.

Requirements: Loose, soft, and comfortable things in calm colors, with minimal finishing and simple cut, seams outward. Basic items: undershirts, rompers, caps, socks, overalls, diapers, blankets. Usually, parents prefer economical things, because the family’s income after the birth of a child decreases, and you need to buy new clothes often.

2. Clothes for children from 6 months

They can be everyday and festive. By festive we do not mean things for any specific event but simply more elegant things than usual for appropriate situations. The differences between the two groups are blurring. Children from six months begin to explore the world actively; they need comfortable clothes that do not interfere with movement.

At this age, practicality is crucial for parents — the child learns to eat, walks down the street, gets dirty, so you need comfortable, breathable things that are easy to wash and iron. The most popular clothing at this age: knitted T-shirts, socks and pantyhose, pants and shorts, that is, everything that parents often have to change and wash.

Parents pay attention not only to the external qualities of things, but they are also interested in the materials from which they are made and the presence of comfortable fasteners. When choosing, an interesting drawing can play a role, which will delight mom, dad, and other relatives. For example, Thanksgiving shirts adorned with funny prints and lettering are popular.

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According to research, especially great attention is paid to the choice of clothes for the first child — parents and relatives carefully study the information, try to acquire something beautiful and comfortable, buy a lot of unnecessary clothes due to lack of experience in caring for a child. Mothers and fathers no longer have so much time to choose clothes for the second and subsequent children. They choose wisely, buy less since some things are inherited by the youngest from the first-born; parents prefer well-known brands or the nearest stores.

So, do not overbuy clothes for a newborn, choose items carefully, and do not overpay for a brand.

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HomeFashionThe Specifics of Outfits for Kids of the First Year