7 Amazing Things We Should Know About Eyebrows !

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Kim Kardashian After he bleached eyebrows, I began to wonder what they are useful, in general, our image. I found some answers.

Some Amazing facts about eyebrows.

1. Protect eyes – throughout human history, eyebrows are some of the areas of the body hair that remained. They protect us from sweat or dirt eyes dripping face and which otherwise would have prevented view.


2. They are extremely important for recognition – in one study it was found that people find it difficult to recognize other people after they have been deleted sprâncele on the chip.


3. They have an important role in non-verbal – with lip, eyebrows are the most expressive facial areas involved in non-verbal language.


4. The average person has 250 hairs a brow – they vary in length, color and thickness.


5. And eyebrow hair falls – they have a cycle of about four months revolving.


6. Their shape can say a lot about your personality – it says that the righteous are characteristic of a people-oriented and direct actions, while the curved ones are representative of people with a tendency towards people.


7. And whiten eyebrows – like the hair, they are also not exempt from aging, fortunately, it takes years of bleaching hair by bleaching eyebrows.

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HomeLife7 Amazing Things We Should Know About Eyebrows !