Effective methods of taking notes

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It is quite difficult for an unprepared author to write a high-quality outline. Good writing skills are not enough for writing proper outlines. No matter whether you do all your essays yourself or prefer to hire someone to write a paper, it doesn’t express how good you are at taking notes. Luckily, you can easily learn how to do it properly. Popularly effective methods are used, with the help of which you can take notes of a large amount of information competently and clearly, which will allow you to easily find the necessary information in the outline, easily remember the material and prepare for exams.

The Mind Map method

A mind map is, at first glance, more difficult to draw than an ordinary outline. This technique is based on the formulation of a key idea. It takes center stage, and thoughts and explanations spread from it. Application guide:

A key idea should be written in the center of the card.

From the main thesis, you need to draw several lines to the main ideas of the topic.

The lines are supplemented with new points that reveal the essence of the previous ones.

In this case, the brevity of the wording is an important advantage. It is not recommended to expand the map beyond the fourth level. Theses from different branches can be combined, and supplemented by notes. Thanks to an effective method, it is possible to analyze a large volume of data, find new ideas, develop a plan, or analyze the current state of work.

Bill Gates’ method

The creator of Microsoft, Bill Gates, uses an interesting way of taking notes. The method was noticed by entrepreneur Rob Howard, who wrote about the unusual method of taking notes in his blog. The step-by-step method of taking notes is as follows:

  • a blank sheet of paper is divided into four equal sections;
  • each block includes a title;
  • one of the squares should be marked with questions about the topic.

Separate parts can be devoted to the main thoughts, notes, important details, examples, and questions. Such a technique is appropriate for taking notes on important information at meetings, and lectures that do not have a clear plan, during a free discussion of any problems.

Cornell’s method

This method of taking notes somewhat resembles the Bill Gates model. Cornell’s method consists of a clear division of key theses and notes in the process of writing. At the end of the process, it is necessary to summarize the outline. The page is divided as follows:

  • a small space is left at the top of the sheet for the title of the topic;
  • the bottom block occupies a quarter of the page and is designed to formulate conclusions from the information and questions that remain unresolved;
  • the rest of the space is divided into two columns;
  • the left side of the table is narrow and captures the main thoughts on the topic;
  • the wider right-hand side records all the important information with details and notes.

Cornell’s method allows you to analyze large flows of information. This method of note-taking is appropriate for long and informative lectures.

The flow method

This method is often used by researchers from the best writing services for taking notes in the work process. The inventor of the flow method is programmer and entrepreneur Scott Young. Based on his idea, the author should take notes, not of the teacher’s words, but his thoughts. According to the creator of the method, this will help you absorb the material and gain valuable knowledge. During the process of taking notes, you should:

  • record only the main theses of the lecture;
  • write down the important points in your own words;
  • the rest of the information in the form of your ideas, questions, comments, and conclusions.

Such a way of outlining can be used when there is no need to reproduce the information word-for-word. The technique allows you to understand the topics on your own and analyze the information obtained more effectively. Besides, you can quickly formulate questions to get answers to them immediately at the lecture.

Proposal Method

In the sentence method, it is necessary to assign each thought a sequential number. The purpose of this technique is to greatly simplify further work with the outline. This is an effective way to take notes on long lectures, during which the teacher can jump from one thought to another. In this case, you do not have to add information in the margins. It is enough to write the data in the text and assign them the right number. When choosing the method of sentences for outlining, it is necessary to write in thesis statements. It is recommended to fit the phrases into one line.

At first glance, taking notes is a simple enough task for any school children or students. However, for taking notes to be useful, you should take into account important nuances when taking notes. It is important to design information materials competently and beautifully, which will help effective methods. Such an approach will ensure excellent preparation for exams.

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