Health Benefits of Figs a.k.a Anjeer | 11 Amazing & Surprising Facts

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The common fig (Ficus carica) is a species of flowering plant from the family Moraceae, known as the common fig (or just the fig). The fig is native to the Middle East and western Asia, where it has been sought out and cultivated since ancient times, and is now widely grown throughout the temperate world, both for its fruit and as an ornamental plant. The fruit is 3–5 centimeters long, with green skin, sometimes ripening towards purple or brown.

It has been proved by several studies that there are numerous health benefits of figs. It helps to prevent several diseases, and it holds a lot of beneficial nutrients. They contain a lot of minerals, fiber and vitamins, especially if we consume it raw.

Figs are often recommended to nourish and tone the intestines and act as a natural laxative because of their high fibre content. Many of us consume too much sodium (salt), found in processed foods. High intakes of sodium can lead to deficiencies of potassium and this imbalance between the two minerals can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure). A diet rich in fruit and vegetables – including fresh figs, naturally increases potassium and is therefore encouraged to help lower blood pressure.

Naturally high in dietary fibre, figs can be a useful food to include in the diet for those watching their weight. High fibre foods provide feelings of fullness and can reduce hunger and cravings. Figs also contain prebiotics, which help support the pre-existing good bacteria in the gut, improving digestive wellness.

Figs are a good fruit source of calcium, a mineral that is involved in bone density. Their high potassium content may counteract the urinary excretion of calcium caused by high salt diets. This in turn helps to keep calcium in bones and lessens the risk of osteoporosis.

Health Benefits of Figs Aka Anjeer | 11 Amazing & Surprising Facts

1. Cures Iron-deficiency Anemia:

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Dried figs are a rich source of iron. One dried fig can give you 2% of your daily iron requirement. Iron is an important mineral that carries hemoglobin throughout your body. So eating anjeer is a natural way to raise your hemoglobin levels indirectly by increasing the levels of iron in your body.

2. Increases Bone Density:

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Not only are figs rich in calcium, promoting bone density, but they also prevent the loss of urinary calcium which also prevents bones from thinning out.

3. Sexual Dysfunction:

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For centuries, figs have been recommended as a way to correct sexual dysfunction like sterility, endurance, or erectile dysfunction. It has been a major part of mythology and culture, and most of the time, it is referenced as a powerful fertility or sexual supplement. Its actual success as an aphrodisiac is questionable, but the huge amount of valuable vitamins and minerals might result in the sudden boost in energy and stamina that people mistake for a sexual surge. Soak 2-3 figs in milk overnight and eat them in the morning to enhance your sexual abilities.

4.It Helps to Improve Digestive Health:

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Figs contain a significant amount of dietary fiber with 15 grams per cup. The daily recommended dietary fiber intake for men and women are 38 grams and 25 grams, respectively. Fiber can help prevent constipation, making one’s bowel movement easier to manage.

5. Promote production of Blood:

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Figs contain a good amount of folate, Folate is required for the production of new RBC cell. So it stimulates the production of new blood that improves the functionality of the body and provides a new energy flow.

It is beneficial to anemia patient those who suffer from low RBC. So figs can be used to cure and prevent anemia. It also contains copper and iron that increase the production blood.

6. Healthy Heart:

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Health benefits of figs also include also include healthier heart. Figs are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, phenol and Omega 6, all of which help to keep your heart healthy. Eating figs can help reduce the risk of heart disease and also help to stop plaque from developing in the arteries.

7. Lower Blood Pressure:

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Figs are a good source of potassium. Potassium is required to maintain sodium level, The high amount of potassium maintains sodium level and protect from the heart attack, hypertension, and stroke,It also lowers the blood pressure that is caused due to increase in sodium level.

8. Prevent Diabetes:

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The high fibre content in figs makes them good for people with diabetes. However, dried figs are high in sugar content. So you should consult a diabetologist about the quantity of dried figs you can consume.

9. Weight loss:

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The fiber in figs also helps to reduce weight and is often recommended for obese people. However, their high calorie count can also result in weight gain, especially when consumed with milk. A few figs are enough to get the recommended amount of nutrients, so don’t overdo it! Remember, it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

10. Prevents Hypertension:

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When you eat more salt, the level of sodium increases. This disturbs the sodium-potassium balance and in turn results in hypertension. Anjeer is an ideal fruit for to restore this balance. One dried fig gives you 129mg of potassium and just 2mg of sodium. This helps prevent hypertension.

11.Eye Health:

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Figs contain a good amount of Vitamin A, As Vitamin A is antioxidants, that improve eye health,Due to high antioxidants, it protect eyes from free radicals,Antioxidants are effective to prevent retinal damage caused due to free radicals,Thus it improve eye vision and protect from cataract or macular degeneration.

A 100g serving of dried figs provides approximately:
249 calories 3.3g protein 0.9g fat 69g carbohydrate 5.6g fibre
A 100g serving of fresh figs provides approximately:
80 calories 1.3g protein 0.3g fat 20.3g carbohydrate 2.2g fibre

The season for fresh figs is between summer and autumn, with the timing dependent on the variety. Figs are quickly perishable and delicate, and are usually best eaten within one to two days after purchase. When choosing figs, select those that are plump and tender, have a rich, deep colour and are free from bruising. Ripe figs have a sweet fragrance. When brought home, ripe figs should not be washed until ready to eat. They should be kept in the fridge for approximately two days. If figs are not yet ripe, keep them at room temperature to ripen.

Dried figs will keep for much longer. When purchasing dried figs, you want to ensure that they are free from mould and are soft. Dried figs can be kept in a cool, dark place or in the fridge.

Figs can be consumed either peeled or unpeeled, depending on the thickness of the skin as well as personal preference. Since the insides of ripe figs are rather soft and sticky they can be difficult to chop.

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HomeFactsHealth Benefits of Figs a.k.a Anjeer | 11 Amazing & Surprising Facts