Signs Of a Flea Infestation and Professional Treatment

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There are a wide assortment of different pests that can infest your home and surrounding property. Some of the most common pests include mice, termites, bedbugs, and several other types of pests that an exterminator in CT can help with. One type of pest not to overlook is fleas. Fleas can be a persistent and difficult-to-remove pest. If left unaddressed fleas present not only an annoyance but can also be dangerous as they can spread diseases. With a professional flea treatment service you can have any fleas in your home expertly removed and help prevent them from returning in the future. Fleas can be an issue in homes with pets. If you think your home may have fleas the following signs will tell you it’s time to call a professional.

Signs Your Home Has Fleas

A puppy scratching its ear
A puppy scratching its ear
  • Your Pets Are Scratching More: fleas attach themselves to any animals in your home and use them as a food source. Fleas can be a notable problem for pets with thick and dense coats. If you find your pet scratching more often this could be a sign of fleas in your home. Pets scratch normally however, increased scratching can be a sign of pest infestation.
  • Flea Bites: repeated flea bites can cause red skin, welts, and bites. Fleas can cause allergic reactions and lead to skin irritation. Check your pet if you notice excess scratching and be sure to wear gloves to keep yourself safe.
  • Alopecia: prolonged flea exposure can cause your pet to lose hair due to continued scratching and biting at the fleas. In addition, certain types of fleas can cause hair loss due to feeding. If your pet has patches of missing fur this could be a sign you need professional flea care as soon as possible.
  • Pet Behavior: if your pets appear restless or nervous this could be a sign they are dealing with fleas. Fleas are quite irritating to pets and acting out is the way a pet will often express frustration due to the discomfort fleas cause.
  • Ankle Bites: fleas don’t just feed on pets they can also feed on humans. If you notice you have small bites around your knees and ankles the cause is likely fleas. Flea bites don’t cause swelling, but they do itch a good deal. If you have a heavy flea infestation you should call a professional exterminator as soon as possible.
  • Fleas Get On Your Clothing: a simple way to test for fleas in your home is to wear a pair of white socks and walk around your home. Fleas will attach themselves to your socks making them very easy to see and this also protects you from flea bites. If you discover proof of fleas call a pest removal expert as soon as possible to prevent possible damage to your home and health concerns.
  • Other Signs of Fleas: another sign your home has fleas is flea dirt. This is flea feces which is reddish due to its blood content. You can test anything you think may be flea dirt by placing it onto a paper towel and wetting it. Red or rust hues are a sign this is flea dirt. Also, look for flea eggs in your carpet. These small white specks can be seen on gloves, but a magnifying glass may be needed. If you find several flea eggs in your carpet you could have a sizable infestation.

Final Thoughts

If your home has a serious flea infestation you shouldn’t wait to call a professional pest control service. Fleas can negatively impact your pet’s health and quality of life. Plus fleas can also harm you and your family. Professional assistance can have these irritating pests removed from your home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Flea Infestations and Control

What are the common pests that can infest homes and properties?

From sneaky mice to persistent bedbugs, various pests can make themselves unwelcome guests in your home. Termites, mosquitoes, and even fleas are some of the frequent culprits that can wreak havoc on your peace of mind and property.

How can an exterminator in CT help with pest issues?

An exterminator in Connecticut can be your superhero when it comes to battling pest problems. They’re equipped with the knowledge and tools to identify, eliminate, and prevent pests effectively. Whether it’s mice, termites, or bothersome fleas, these professionals know how to handle each situation with precision.

Why should I be concerned about fleas in my home?

Fleas might seem small, but they can cause big trouble. Not only are their bites itchy and irritating, but they can also carry diseases that affect both humans and pets. Ignoring a flea infestation can lead to health issues and discomfort for you and your furry companions.

What are the signs that indicate my home has a flea infestation?

Keep an eye out for telltale signs like increased scratching in your pets, tiny red bites on your ankles and knees, and even patches of missing fur on your furry friends. If your pets are restless and you’re finding small reddish specks (flea dirt) around your home, it’s time to suspect a flea infestation.

Can fleas spread diseases to humans and pets?

Yes, unfortunately. Fleas can carry diseases that pose a risk to both humans and animals. While the chances of transmission are relatively low, it’s essential to address a flea infestation promptly to prevent any potential health issues for you and your pets.

What health risks are associated with flea bites?

Flea bites can lead to redness, welts, and skin irritation. In some cases, they might trigger allergic reactions. While not all flea bites cause swelling, the persistent itching can be quite bothersome. It’s crucial to resist the urge to scratch, as excessive scratching could lead to skin infections.

How can I identify flea bites on my pets and myself?

Flea bites are typically small red bumps that tend to cluster around ankles, knees, and other exposed areas. On pets, they might manifest as areas of intense scratching and even hair loss. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, there’s a good chance that fleas might be the cause.

What should I do if I notice my pet scratching excessively?

Excessive scratching is a common sign of discomfort caused by fleas. Reach out to your veterinarian to discuss potential flea treatment options for your pets. Treating your pets and your living space simultaneously is crucial to effectively eliminate the infestation.

Is professional flea treatment necessary for hair loss in pets?

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, can indeed be a result of prolonged flea exposure. While mild cases might resolve on their own once fleas are eliminated, more severe cases might require professional intervention. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action for your pet’s specific situation.

How can I effectively prevent and control flea infestations in my home?

Regular pet grooming, vacuuming carpets and upholstery, and keeping your living spaces clean can go a long way in preventing flea infestations. Additionally, using preventive flea treatments for your pets can help ensure these pesky pests stay at bay. If you suspect an infestation, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to tackle the issue comprehensively.

HomeLifeAnimalsSigns Of a Flea Infestation and Professional Treatment