Are Handmade Shoes Superior to Factory Made Shoes?

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These days, most shoes and other pieces of clothing are made in factories; factories offer remarkable consistency and cost efficiency. But if you want the best possible shoes, it’s a good idea to shop for handmade shoe products.

Why is this the case? And will factory technology ever be able to catch up to artisan quality?

Why Are Handmade Shoes Superior to Factory Made Shoes?

Why is it that handmade shoes are superior to those made in a factory?

There are several independent reasons:

Materials. First, while it’s not always the case that handmade crafts are made with better materials than factory products, it is often the case. Craftsmen are very particular about the types of materials they use, and they’re not afraid to spend more on a material of higher quality, even if it increases the price of the finished product and puts some customers off. Additionally, not all materials are easy for factories to work with, artificially limiting the number of materials available to them in some instances.

Tools. Large, automated machines are incredibly efficient and capable of repeating the same process over and over. From a perspective of speed, cost, or repeatability, there is no beating a factory machine. However, the tools used by artisans are much more precise and refined. There is a sacrifice of speed, cost efficiency, and repeatability, but in exchange, artisans are able to much more precisely control the product.

Individual uniqueness. Even the most skilled craftsmen in the world can’t possibly make identical copies of the same product; when making things by hand, every product is genuinely unique. For many consumers, this is a major selling point. Having a one-of-a-kind item is rare in an era that is overrun with automated manufacturing.

Personal attention. By definition, most artisans are obsessed with their craft. It takes many years of dedicated refinement to improve as an artist, and they wouldn’t spend this time if they weren’t genuinely passionate about what they do. Accordingly, most skilled makers give each and every product they create a surplus of focused attention. This attention reduces the probability of mistakes or flaws and greatly enhances the overall aesthetic value of the finished pieces.

Skilled craftsmanship. It takes several years of apprenticeship to even begin your journey into the art of making shoes. The products created by the best artisans in any given industry are a byproduct of tens of thousands of hours of training and education. While factory machines may have been designed by industry experts, they simply don’t hold a candle to the skills of the best humans in the field.

Quality control/assurance. Most factories do have quality control or quality assurance procedures in place, but they aren’t exactly thorough. Usually, this takes the form of a handful of workers on an assembly line giving a cursory glance to dozens of shoes at once. For human makers, every shoe receives individual attention, and no shoe with significant flaws ever makes it to a public sale listing.

Commitment. Artisans have a reputation at stake, and they want to be the best craftspeople they can be. They’re absolutely committed to the art and practice of making things, rather than nearly chasing profit.

Additionally, buying handmade shoes comes with peripheral benefits:

Environmental friendliness. Generally, handmade shoes are more environmentally friendly than their factory-made counterparts. They use less energy and fewer materials, and if you’re buying locally, they don’t need to be shipped very far.

Local economics. Small and local businesses are disproportionately valuable as job creators in a local economy. Buying from an artisan or a small business helps your local economy.

Long-term value. Handmade shoes are sometimes more expensive than ones made in a factory, but they also last much, much longer. Their long-term value is much greater as a result.

Shopping Handmade

If you’re interested in starting to shop for handmade shoes, these tips can help you:

Search broadly. Being a cobbler isn’t as popular a profession as it used to be, but a simple online search can introduce you to thousands of options. Search broadly to get the widest range of possible options.

Examine real examples of work. Don’t just rely on photos; look at and feel real examples of a person’s work. This can help you determine quality and make the right decision.

Look at reviews and testimonials. Always read reviews and testimonials. It’s the best way to determine whether customers are satisfied with this person’s products.

Customize when possible. When you have the option, customize your shoes to perfection.

In almost every way, yes, handmade shoes are superior to ones made in a factory. As long as you’re willing to do your due diligence and find the right creator, you’ll end up with a pair of handmade shoes you genuinely love – and they could last you a lifetime with proper care.

HomeFashionAre Handmade Shoes Superior to Factory Made Shoes?