Hearing Loss Prevention: Enjoying The Sounds of Life

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Although many types of hearing loss are not preventable, certain types are caused by actions throughout a person’s life. Avoiding these risk factors and seeking help with any type of hearing issue can improve a person’s chances of preventing hearing loss.

What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss occurs when any part of the ear or hearing system is not working properly. In some cases, hearing loss is very minor at first. Sometimes, individuals do not even realize they are missing sounds. However, individuals should contact a hearing specialist at the first sign or even if they suspect any type of hearing loss.

Identifying hearing issues early could allow a specialist to identify the cause and may even prevent further loss of hearing. If hearing loss is significant and cannot be restored, hearing devices may allow the person to hear again.

How Hearing Loss Can Affect the Elderly

Studies have shown that hearing loss can have profound consequences for the elderly. Not only can it cause the elderly individual to withdraw from social interactions, but it can also impact their cognitive abilities. Withdrawal from social interactions on its own can lead to loneliness, isolation, and depression.

Cognitive impairments can be more difficult for individuals to overcome. With the social withdrawal, hearing devices may restore those interactions. However, with cognitive decline due to hearing loss, hearing devices may prevent further decline but not restore cognitive function.


The most common preventable type of hearing loss is noise-induced. Prolonged periods of loud noises can cause damage to the ear. Working in loud areas throughout a person’s life creates damage that cannot be repaired. Often, individuals will experience tinnitus or ringing in their ears after exposure to loud noises. This ringing sensation could become permanent if noise is not avoided.

When working in a loud environment, ear plugs are recommended to reduce the noise level and prevent damage to the ear. It is also important to not listen to loud music, especially with earphones. Avoid noisy areas, and use a noise barrier when avoidance is not possible. These actions will prevent damage and help protect hearing in the future.


There are many types of injuries that can cause hearing loss. Damages to the outer ear or inner ear are the most recognized. However, damage to the area of the brain that controls hearing can also cause of hearing loss.

When involved in activities that have a high risk of injury, using the proper protective equipment could prevent these types of injuries. It is also important to seek the assistance of a doctor when injured as it could prevent further damage to a person’s ability to hear.

Health Conditions

Some health conditions can cause hearing loss. High blood pressure and diabetes are known to cause issues with a person’s hearing. Having a stroke could potentially cause damage to parts of the brain that control hearing.

By taking steps to improve overall health, preventing many of these health conditions that may cause hearing loss is possible. However, not all health conditions are completely preventable. The best option is to follow the advice of a primary care provider to keep these conditions under control. Regular hearing exams can also help to identify problems if at risk for one or more of these health issues.


There are many types of medications that could cause hearing loss. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications may cause or put someone at risk of hearing loss. Before starting any medications, speak with a doctor to review the potential side effects. If experiencing hearing loss from medication, speaking with a doctor could be a good option for finding a better solution.

Hearing is a very important part of a person’s ability to be social and have meaningful interactions with others. Losing that could cause serious problems for those individuals, especially in their golden years. Taking steps now to prevent hearing loss could bring a better future.

HomeLifeHealthHearing Loss Prevention: Enjoying The Sounds of Life