Writing is not for everyone, and it’s true. You can’t expect the vast majority of people to know how to write a novel and manage to do it well. Neither are people great in academic writing the first time they practice it. But there’s a trick – people can develop these skills and master them.
College is all about getting your essential skills polished. Academic writing can seem like a mission impossible, even if you had a course in a high school. It has strict rules, structures, and canons that you cannot break. Even if you don’t want to do it, you have to accept it as a skill that would change your career in the future.
As a student, you would write a ton of papers. Even when your workload is heavy, you are stressed, you can ask for assistance from top-notch professionals. For instance, when you ask for help write a research paper by WritePaper, as a result you would get a perfect example of academic writing. During your studies, you should look for help and never hesitate to get it.
You might wonder if essay writing is relevant only when you are a student. But in reality, it’s not only about the writing itself. It is a whole philosophy and a combination of things. You develop your memory, critical thinking skills, and writing style. It all comes in handy in your future career, regardless of your chosen path.

You learn how to be organized
The first takeaway you learn from essay writing is that you have to organize everything to succeed. Many students think that being organized means showing up in classes on time and doing your homework. While it’s true, essay composition teaches you the foundation for understanding how to be organized.
The research itself can be a messy process. It makes sense when you put information into a list and outline your paper. You learn how to get relevant academic sources and leave secondary sources out. You also get to learn how to categorize the information, which benefits you with your future job tasks.
When you develop your writing routine, it becomes a matter of habit, and with practice, you can write strong essays with no sweat. Routines are needed, and they are different for everyone. But the organization of it stays the same – you get things done. Knowing how to get things done is something you, as a future CEO or team lead, need in the first place.
You learn time management
Yes, knowing time management is a part of being organized, but it refers specifically to deadlines. The deadlines for your assignments are set not to frustrate you but to teach you another essential lesson. At the same time, there’s no situation in the world where the deadline is indefinite. Because if it’s not clear, then you never get something done.
Knowing how to prioritize your tasks is a must for everyone. Imagine being a young entrepreneur who can’t handle the assigned workflow. That’s why writing essays is more about getting into a discipline and knowing how to achieve the goal within a set time.
You learn how to communicate effectively
You can have innovative ideas and unique visions, but it would be worth nothing if you cannot explain them to others. Essay composition teaches you how to never make mistakes in your work emails. Even more, you become more effective in communicating your ideas and pitching them to the team.
Essay writing gives you a structure that would work in any situation. Not only do you organize your writing process, but you also organize how your thoughts flow and how to make a good argument. If you struggle with this aspect now, you thank yourself in the future for trying again and again.
Being good with grammar and having a big vocabulary gives you an advantage. Companies value employees who make no mistakes. And if you strive to get to the top of the hierarchy, you need to be several steps ahead of other CEOs. It is proven that people trust a person who writes without mistakes and speaks eloquently.
You learn how to edit
What’s so important about editing, you might say. “I don’t want to be an editor”, but editing skills are relevant not only for editors and quality assurance. Life says that no text was written perfectly. Whether you are doing a quarterly report or introduce new changes in the company, the first draft will always be rough and chunky.
Usually, at work you get other people to proofread your piece of writing. It is normal practice, because two pairs of eyes work better than one. But you can ease the life of your colleagues and speed up the process by helping them out. It saves you both time and increases trust in professional relationships.
Editing is about double-checking your information as well. You might sometimes make small mistakes or miscalculations and other departments can leave imprecision left in the draft. It saves you a bigger mistake if you do proofreading first. This skill is essential to always stay at the top of your game.
You learn to fact-check information
In the epoch of predatory scientific journals and misinformation, it is our responsibility to be vigilant about the information we use. Essay composition gives you important insight about working with sources and avoiding plagiarism. But you also get to do extensive research on whether or not the used source is relevant.
It is fairly easy to fall for false information. Many alternative sources present misinformation in a way hard to distinguish from legitimate academic sources. As a student, you learn how to choose the best source, and organize it.
You may think that fact-checking is important only for journalists. Yet, you have to always be cautious about your information, both internal and external. You might be the one to prevent a data breach or a mistake that will cost you thousands of dollars.
Employees must be all eyes with the information they manage: from newsletters for customers to internal emails. Not only in terms of being respectful to deadlines but also in terms of their significance and meaning.
What exactly do you bring to the table?
Academic writing is not only about the self-management and improvement of communication with others. Naturally, some skills are developed in such a way that you don’t even notice. If fact-checking is something you do consciously, you will be more attentive to delta and critical evaluation of text unconsciously. You get a natural gut feeling of how things should be done. Among many other skills, here’s something you can confidently say you have after years of essay writing practice:
- Excellent time management;
- Excellent research and fact-checking;
- Problem solving and analysis of problems;
- Attentiveness to details and critical evaluation;
- Cooperation and teamwork;
- Leadership skills;
- Wrapping up
Academic writing might not be helpful per se for your daily email correspondence at work. Job tasks are less strict with the vocabulary we use, less intense deadlines, and more fun. Yet, it requires being clear in expressing your thoughts without having to look twice at how to say something.
You don’t lose anything if you spend extra time writing essay prompts on your day off after a long week of hard assignments and exams. It is important to keep your writing skills in shape. The practice always pays off with something that you do later unconsciously.