How to Get Rid of Iguanas on Your Roof

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Many people are captivated by the beauty and variety of colors of iguanas in their backyards. The fascination soon turns to worry when the iguanas leave their excrements everywhere and eat the prized landscaping and flowers. As iguanas make themselves more comfortable in your property, they may start burrowing under the foundation of your home or climbing up to your roof where they will burrow and start a family much faster than you can notice the damage they have caused.

Getting to Know Your Iguanas

You have probably come into close contact with a full-grown iguana and have been surprised to realize how large they can get, easily measuring over five feet in length and weighing close to 20 pounds. They have become a common sight in many suburban developments, small towns, and even agricultural areas, hanging out on the ground, hiding in shrubs, and climbing trees.

As excellent swimmers, iguanas can easily traverse along both freshwater and saltwater areas and do not discriminate when it comes to enjoying the pool in our backyard. You may have decided just to let them be since you know that they are never aggressive towards humans or pets.

However, over time, you might have noticed that they are pests that need to be removed from your property. Iguanas are capable of:

  • Damaging your landscaping
  • Damaging your crops
  • Tearing up your seawalls and sidewalks
  • Digging under your house and crawl into the sewer
  • Leaving droppings all over the place
  • Climbing up your trees and making a home on your roof

How can you get rid of iguanas on your roof?

There are several actions you can take to get rid of this pesky problem and free your yard and roof from their presence. Here are some ideas:

Spray Iguana Repellent

Become familiar with the areas that the iguanas seem to prefer and spray them thoroughly with iguana repellent. You may have to climb up on your roof to make sure that it is completely covered as well. You can use liquid repellents, sprays, or powders. You could also save money by mixing some mashed-up garlic cloves with habanero peppers and warm water. Iguanas seem to detest the smell of garlic.

Clean Up Your Yard

Eliminate places where iguanas can hide like rocks or thick thickets. Remove plants that iguanas love to eat, like orchids and roses, although they also enjoy broccoli, beets, and lettuce.

Hang Mirrors and Other Reflective Objects

Iguanas can be scared away with mirrors or other reflective objects because they will be unable to understand what they are looking at and become confused. This works to keep them away from your property.

Keep Pet Food Indoors

Iguanas seem to enjoy pet food. Make your yard less appealing by not offering any food they like.

Place Traps

Iguanas can be removed by placing traps in your yard and on your roof. Adding bait pellets to the traps will yield good results. Once in the trap, drive them to a remote location so that they do not return. And if this becomes too much of a hassle, calling an iguana removal company can be your safest bet and offer you the results you expect.

HomeLifeAnimalsHow to Get Rid of Iguanas on Your Roof