How To Overcome PTO Guilt And Make Time For Yourself

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Do you ever feel like there’s not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that needs to be done? That feeling of overwhelm can often leave us putting ourselves and our own well-being on the backburner. 

It may even cause us to experience guilt for taking time away from work and responsibilities, known as PTO Guilt. Yet it is important to remember that self-care should always come first – a proverb aptly states: ‘You cannot pour from an empty cup.’ 

In this article, we will explore how to overcome PTO guilt and make time for yourself.

1. Accept That Guilt Is Unavoidable

When it comes to feeling guilty about taking time for yourself, it’s important to accept that this is inevitable. It can be hard to prioritize your own needs above those of others and sometimes guilt sneaks in unexpectedly. 

The key is not to let this guilt take over. There are ways you can make sure you’re carving out time for yourself without letting the guilt consume you.

One way to manage this is by being intentional with how you use your time. Start off small: set aside an hour a week or even just 15 minutes a day where you focus on doing something that brings balance into your life. This could mean anything from reading a book, going for a walk, meditating or doing some yoga – whatever makes you feel recharged.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to involve big activities; little moments like these can go a long way in helping us stay connected with our inner selves and reduce feelings of guilt.

It’s also important to remember that self-care isn’t selfish – when we look after ourselves, we become better equipped to show up for family and friends too. 

Establishing boundaries around what you need for yourself helps ensure that everyone’s getting the attention they deserve, rather than one person shouldering all the responsibility while another takes all the credit. 

So don’t let guilt stop you from investing in yourself; instead, view it as an opportunity to cultivate balance in your life and relationships.

2. Define Your Priorities

The feeling of guilt can be overwhelming and yet, it’s often unavoidable. Taking time for yourself however, should not be a source of guilt or shame. It’s important to identify your priorities and make sure you are taking care of them first.

By defining our priorities we become aware of what is truly important in life and that helps us overcome any pangs of guilt we might feel when wanting to take some time out for ourselves. Knowing which aspects require more attention than others allows us to plan accordingly; ensuring we have the right balance between work, leisure activities and family commitments.

It also means being honest with ourselves about what needs to change in order to lead the life we want while still respecting the demands of everyday responsibilities. With this kind of awareness, there comes an understanding that allocating time for self-care isn’t selfish but rather essential – both mentally and physically – in achieving a balanced lifestyle.

3. Utilize Your PTO

Now that you’ve defined your priorities, it’s time to get serious about utilizing your PTO. If you’re feeling guilty for taking a break or using up the allotted days of vacation, don’t be! You deserve time away from work and life to relax and recharge.

Start by looking at what types of breaks you can take within the year – long weekends here and there are perfect opportunities to slow down and enjoy some quality “me-time” without needing to use all of your PTO right away. 

Consider which activities bring you joy and make sure they fit into whatever type of break you decide on. This could include anything from reading a book, exploring nature, visiting family members or friends, going out for dinner, etc., as long as these activities are important enough for you to prioritize them in your schedule.

The most important part is making sure that when it comes to taking a break, don’t feel guilty about it; instead accept it as an essential part of self-care. 

Doing so will help ensure that your energy levels remain high throughout the year so that when you do need to tackle more difficult tasks like paperwork or client meetings, you have the mental strength necessary to overcome any obstacles along the way.

By actively planning ahead with well thought out strategies such as utilizing your PTO wisely and focusing on activities that truly matter to you during this time off, not only will guilt become less prevalent but also peace of mind will soon follow knowing that while working hard is still very important – sometimes taking care of yourself should be just as much of a priority too.

4. Make A Schedule

Having a schedule is key to making time for yourself without feeling guilty. Scheduling can help you prioritize your tasks and plan ahead, allowing you to make the most of what little free time you have. 

It’s important to set aside designated times where it’s just for you and only you – no work allowed. This lets your mind rest and recharge, so that when it comes time to tackle something productive again, you’re in the right frame of mind.

When creating a schedule, think about what works best for you and don’t be afraid to adjust as needed. If mornings are usually busy with other obligations, try setting aside an hour or two in the evenings instead. Maybe there are certain days each week that lend themselves more easily toward taking some much-needed downtime; if this is the case, mark them on your calendar and stick to it.

Make sure these scheduled times aren’t prone to interruption either – turn off notifications from emails and texts during these hours if possible.

Giving yourself dedicated breaks throughout the day isn’t just good for your mental health; it will also boost productivity overall. 

That way, when those moments come around where guilt starts creeping in over using PTO or taking a break from work entirely, remember how important it is for both body and soul – not just career growth – to take care of yourself first before anything else.

5. Don’t Feel Bad About Saying No

It’s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. That’s how it feels when you’re able to say no without feeling guilty. Although it takes practice, saying ‘no’ is an important step of PTO solution in overcoming PTO guilt and making time for yourself.

When faced with tough decisions on whether or not to take time away from work, think of it as if there’s an invisible force field around you, protecting your well-being. This shield can help you feel secure that you are putting yourself first by politely declining requests and setting boundaries. You have the right to choose what works best for your mental health and schedule.

Resolving this type of conflict between work and personal life may seem daunting but remember that taking care of yourself should be prioritized over anything else—and don’t be afraid to remind others about that too!

Young man walking calmly on beach side

Making sure to set aside some ‘me-time’ will do wonders for both your physical and mental wellbeing in the long run. It also gives you more energy for other aspects of your life so embrace the power of saying no.

6. Take Time For Self-Care

It’s easy to feel guilty when taking time off for yourself, it can be difficult to overcome that feeling. But don’t worry! Taking a break and prioritizing self-care is essential if you want to live your best life. Let me break it down for you:

First things first, no one should ever feel bad about saying no. It’s okay to turn down an invitation or request every once in awhile – after all, you’re the captain of your own ship here! So go ahead and do what feels right; take some ‘me’ time guilt free.

Then comes the fun part – utilizing that hard earned vacation day (or two!). Don’t overthink it – just pick something that’ll make you feel relaxed and happy. 

Maybe try treating yourself to a nice dinner out with friends, get outdoors for some fresh air and exercise, or heck even spend the whole day binge watching Netflix…there are literally so many options these days that there’s bound to be something perfect for you. Don’t forget those little moments throughout the day; like taking five minutes during lunch breaks to listen to music or having your morning coffee on the porch instead of at your desk. These small acts can add up quickly and help keep stress levels low.

So remember this: as long as you stay true to yourself and practice mindfulness while making decisions, everything will work itself out eventually without any extra effort on your part.

All you need is a little bit of TLC from yourself every now and then – so go ahead and enjoy it!


It can be difficult to overcome feelings of guilt when taking time off for yourself, especially if it’s something you don’t typically do. However, with some conscious effort and dedication, it is possible to make time for self-care while still honoring your commitments. 

Taking small steps such as accepting the inevitability of guilt, defining priorities, utilizing PTO days and creating a schedule are all great places to start.

Overall, learning how to manage pto guilt can be beneficial in managing stress levels, improving productivity and setting boundaries in order to prioritize our wellbeing. 

It may not always feel easy but allowing ourselves permission to take much needed breaks can ultimately lead us towards healthier lifestyles where we have enough energy both mentally and physically to handle whatever life throws our way!

HomeLifeLifestyleHow To Overcome PTO Guilt And Make Time For Yourself