The Secrets to Being Prepared for Anything

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Unexpected situations can and do happen at any time without any visible warning, but it seems almost impossible to prepare for everything. For example, you might spend time getting prepared for a two-week power outage, only to have your internet go out for two weeks instead.

You can’t realistically plan for everything that might happen – at least not in a practical manner. However, the right state of mind will help you get through any situation, even if you never saw it coming. 

The key is to prepare yourself physically and mentally.

Be prepared to get legal help

When certain situations happen that leave you vulnerable, like a physical injury or a wrongful death in the family, you might be too concerned with your own wellbeing to seek legal help at the time of the incident. However, there is a statute of limitations for lawsuits, so it’s imperative that you act fast.

Be prepared to contact an attorney ahead of time and make that part of your plan should you ever find yourself in this type of situation. You won’t be able to predict the outcome of your case, but at least you’ll have a plan for handling the situation, should it arise.

Practice living simply

One thing that can help you deal with just about any situation is being able to live simply. The less you need to rely on technology and gadgets, or even certain amenities, the easier life will be when those things become unavailable. For example, learn how to use only a few gallons of water per day so that if you end up without water at home, you can live on the water you buy from the store. Even if you only need to do it for a few days, it will make your life easier.

Another thing you can do is get some books, card games, and board games to play when the power goes out. If you’re constantly looking to your devices for entertainment, you might still have internet access, but your batteries will run out eventually. Having a stash of old-school entertainment options will carry you and your family through any power outage.

Put safety first

While you’re stocking up on entertainment, don’t forget safety. Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit in your house where everyone can access it. Check it every six months or so to restock any used items, like bandages and wound healing cream.

You’ll also want a decent-sized ABC fire extinguisher for your home and install a fire blanket on your kitchen wall. Fire blankets are easier and faster to use for kitchen fires. Get a smaller ABC fire extinguisher for your car as well. You may not ever need to use it, but it’s a good idea to have for yourself or another motorist who may be in need.

Create a small stash of food

There are countless reasons you may not be able to get to the store to buy food. It could be anything from a natural disaster to running out of funds or just not having the time. To prepare for this possibility, tuck away a small stash of extra food in your pantry. Canned goods without dairy, like chili and soup, will last for many years past the “best by” date, so they’re a great choice. Dry goods, like oatmeal, rice, and beans also make a good, affordable food stash.

Prepare for the expected, too

Sometimes expected situations happen unexpectedly. For example, you might expect that at some time, your car will break down, but you won’t know when. That type of situation will catch you off guard. To be prepared for this, hopefully you’ve already got some kind of roadside assistance plan that includes towing.

Other expected situations include things like internet outages, a dead cell phone battery, a lost phone charger, and running out of coffee. Some of these things don’t seem like a big deal, but can be an inconvenience.

For these specific situations, all you need to do is buy an extra phone charger or two, gather a stash of coffee for your pantry, and choose a public Wi-Fi location you’ll use if your internet stops working. You can’t do much for a dead phone battery if you can’t change the battery yourself, but you can keep a spare charger in your car or bag.

Developing a resilient mindset is just as important as having physical supplies.

Don’t stress when the unexpected hits

Since you can’t prepare for everything, the ultimate approach is to stay positive and take things as they come. Even when you can’t change your circumstances, you can always control how you respond and how you feel.

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