What to Look for in a Divorce Attorney

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Going through a divorce is rough, but having the right attorney by your side can make all the difference. With so many lawyers out there, how do you choose the one who’s right for your unique situation? 

Yes, cost and convenience can be factors to consider, but it goes much deeper than this. It all comes down to finding the right fit. 

“You can bet that your spouse is going to hire a top divorce attorney,” divorce lawyer Rowdy G. Williams explains. “So if you try to take shortcuts and hire the least expensive or most convenient option, you’re going to be at a disadvantage from the start.”

In other words, don’t take this lightly. Really dig your heels in and do some thorough research to come up with an attorney who fits your needs and expectations.

Understand Different Legal Approaches

Divorce attorneys can have different approaches to handling cases. Some may lean towards aggressive litigation, while others prefer mediation or collaborative divorce to avoid court altogether. 

Spend some time thinking about what you want from your divorce. Is it a speedy, amicable resolution, or are you preparing for a contentious battle over assets and custody? Knowing your expectations or goals on the front end will help you narrow down your search for the right attorney.

Determine Your Support Needs

Consider the level of support you need. Divorce can be emotionally taxing, so think about whether you require a lawyer who is just a legal advisor or one who offers comprehensive support, guiding you through the emotional and legal complexities. 

If you anticipate a high-conflict divorce, you might need an attorney with a strong support team, including paralegals, financial advisors, and possibly even therapists. But if you and your spouse are pretty civil and don’t have a complicated relationship or many assets, you might be able to hire a solo attorney to hold your hand.

Ask the Right Questions

When you meet potential attorneys, prepare a list of questions to understand their experience, approach, and how they plan to handle your case. Inquire about their experience with cases similar to yours, their success rates, and their strategy for your case. Questions like

  • “How do you handle conflicts in a divorce process?”
  • “What’s your approach to negotiation versus litigation?”
  • “What happens if my ex-spouse introduces lies into the case?”

Most clients do not ask simple questions like these, but they can provide insights into a lawyer’s methodology and how it aligns with your needs. Take the time to ask these—no divorce attorney is going to be frustrated by this. (In fact, most will be impressed.)

Look for Compatibility

Your attorney’s style and philosophy should match your own. Pay attention to how they communicate during your initial consultations. Are they straightforward, or do they use legal jargon that confuses you? Do they listen and respond to your concerns, or do they dismiss them? You need someone who resonates with you and understands your priorities.

Check Reviews and Get Referrals

Researching online reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into an attorney’s reputation and client satisfaction. However, personal referrals from friends, family, or professionals like therapists or financial advisors can be even more reliable. 

Go to anyone in your circle who has had a divorce in the past 10 years and ask them to share firsthand experiences and/or tell you how the attorney handled different situations. This will help you gauge if they might be the right fit for you.

Understanding Fee Structures

Before committing to an attorney, make sure you understand their fee structure. Divorce attorneys typically charge by the hour, but rates can vary significantly based on experience, location, and the complexity of your case. 

It’s more than okay to ask for a detailed breakdown of the fee structure, including hourly rates, retainer fees, and any additional costs like court filing fees or charges for support staff. In fact, this kind of transparency is crucial to avoid surprises down the line and ensure the attorney fits within your budget.

Gauge Their Availability and Commitment

Your divorce attorney should be readily available and committed to your case. During your initial conversations, ask about their current caseload and how it might affect their availability and attention to your case. Ensure they are accessible for meetings and responsive to your communications. A good attorney should make you feel like your case is a priority, even if they have other clients.

Trust Your Instincts

At the end of the day, trust your gut feeling. After meeting with a potential attorney, reflect on your level of comfort and trust in them. Do they seem genuinely interested in helping you, or do you feel like just another case file to them? Your instincts can often tell you whether an attorney is the right fit for you.

HomeLawWhat to Look for in a Divorce Attorney