As a student striving to go far in education, having the correct writing skills is definitely a tool that will help you get there in the easiest way. As we get older and wiser, the levels of difficulty in education get harder and are more noticeable. With every year, teachers expect more and more of students; especially when it comes to writing skills.
Therefore, in order to have a significantly better experience in school and increase your chances of getting admitted to good universities, it is important to keep improving and perfecting your writing abilities. This article will provide you with the best writing skills advice and will let you know how to master them in a short amount of time.
Essay Planning
If you’re someone that is easily intimidated by academic writing, you’ll find essay planning a good strategy to make the process a lot easier and fast. Separate the different sections of your essay (introduction, argument 1, argument 2, argument 3, conclusion), and write in simple bullet points what your intent to write in each of them is. When doing this, you’ll be able to find ways to link all the arguments together, search specific topics in research papers that you want to include in your essay, and have a clearer idea of where the direction of your essay is going.
Although having an essay plan for some people can sound like an unnecessary additional step in the writing process, this technique will make the actual writing part of the paper a lot quicker. This is because you’ll already have your thoughts organized and developed, and all you’ll need to do is to write them up.
You may want to consider wanting to practice essay planning by doing one on an imaginary assignment. Think of any topic you like, and plan an essay without actually writing it. Just by practicing, you’ll develop and enhance your skills to their full potential.
Argument Construction
Especially for older students, learning how to build and present an argument is possibly one of the most important writing skills you must acquire. An accurate way of structuring an argument is the ultimate base for an excellently conducted essay; but of course, this can only be achieved through many practice essays. The key to a successful argument is one that can convince the reader that the conclusion of the essay is right and correct. An essential part of constructing a good argument is to supported by reliable evidence. Examples of places you can get solid evidence to back your argument from are academic journals (available on academic databases) or library books. Before you provide the evidence, make your point. Remember to be concise and objective. After you prove the validity of your point with proof, it is a good idea to provide an example for further clarity of your argument.
Critical Thinking
The content of an essay is considered to be most remarkable and outstanding if contrasting views are presented as a means to prove your point. By providing a critical perspective on previous theories, opinions or arguments, you will automatically prove to the reader that you are prepared and have read enough material to make your argument relevant and strong. Especially for university students, critical thinking in essays also indicates the reader that you are a reflective and active writer who is motivated to contribute to society with new ideas and concepts. Thinking critically is a sign of you questioning authority, traditions or policies that dominate our world; while wanting to find out different and progressive ways to improve it.
A quick way to develop your skills as a critical thinker is to read as many research papers related to the topic you’re writing about. Another good way is to read critical reviews or opposing essays that argue against common or classical works or ways of thinking.
Expand Your Vocabulary
The language used for a well and academically written essay usually composed of sophisticated and professional terminology. University students are expected and encouraged to use complex words and sentence structure to build their essays with. A good way to make your essay sound impressive and elaborate is to use a thesaurus or its online version. Using this tool for your written works is incredibly easy and quick. All you must do is to type or search for another word which is the synonym to the word you’re looking for, and you’ll be provided with many more professional-sounding options you can use instead of a common or unimpressive word.
Part of being a good writer is being a good critic of your own work. After you’re done writing your piece, make sure you read over it a few times in order to detect any possible mistakes or changes that you can make. Reading over it many times can be a tedious and long process, so it could be useful to ask your classmates, peers or lecturers to read it for you and give you feedback. Not only is asking someone to help you with proofreading going to be faster than doing it yourself, but they will also be likely to find issues or improvements that you had not noticed before yourself.
Apart from offering essay writing, expert custom writing services like also provide proofreading options. By hiring them, you can make sure that the professional feedback you will get will improve your essay to the best it can be.
Hopefully, this post has helped you find a couple of ways to become a master of ameliorating your writing skills in a quick and speedy way. Happy writing!