The Power of Logic: Tackling Common Problematic Situations with Epiphanies and Questions

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Life is full of challenges, both in business and personal spheres. However, by cultivating self-awareness, applying logical thinking, and adopting a long-term perspective, we can navigate these situations with greater ease. In this blog, I will share five common problematic situations and the epiphanies and questions that helped me overcome them. These insights were gained through personal experiences during my 20s and 30s, and they continue to resonate with me today.

Situation 1: Feeling Offended

Epiphany: Feeling offended is a “me” problem, not a “them” problem.

When we feel offended by someone’s words or actions, it’s easy to assign blame to the other person. However, the power to be offended lies within us. By asking ourselves where we want the power to be, we shift our focus from external factors to our own reactions.

Guiding questions:

  1. If someone’s words can cause inner turmoil, where does the power truly lie?
  2. Do I want to give others the ability to control my emotions and well-being?

By recognizing that feeling offended is within our control, we reclaim our power and diminish the world’s ability to offend us.

Situation 2: Worrying a Lot

Epiphany: Past worries rarely materialize as we imagine, and they seldom have a lasting impact.

Excessive worry consumes our thoughts and energy, often creating unnecessary stress. Reflecting on past worries, we realize that many of them either never came to pass or didn’t have the catastrophic consequences we feared.

Guiding question:

  1. If the worst-case scenario happens, will it only affect a day, a week, a month, or my entire life?

Putting our worries into perspective helps us distinguish between momentary setbacks and truly life-altering events. In most cases, the answer reveals that our worries are unlikely to lead to a bad life, allowing us to prioritize and manage them more effectively.

Situation 3: Dealing with Unfairness

Epiphany: Those who seem unfair or unreasonable likely don’t see themselves that way.

When faced with someone who appears difficult or unfair, it’s essential to recognize that they likely have their own perspective and story. Empathy can help bridge the gap and find common ground.

Guiding questions:

  1. What might be the story they are telling themselves?
  2. Under what circumstances might their perspective be valid?

By understanding the other person’s viewpoint, we open the door to finding mutually beneficial solutions. Developing empathy allows us to navigate these situations with grace and achieve win-win outcomes.

Situation 4: Making Tough Decisions

Epiphany: Long-term impactful choices can be influenced by our current emotions.

When confronted with significant decisions, it’s easy to let our present feelings cloud our judgment. However, by considering the long-term implications, we gain clarity and wisdom.

Guiding question:

  1. Which choice will appear wisest to me in 20 years?

This question encourages us to step back from our immediate emotions and seek counsel from trusted sources. By adopting a broader perspective, we make decisions that align with our long-term goals and aspirations.

Situation 5: Tackling a Difficult Project

Epiphany: People have accomplished more challenging tasks with fewer resources.

When faced with a daunting project or problem, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and doubt our abilities. However, by looking at the achievements of others and reframing the situation, we can boost our confidence and find innovative solutions.

Guiding questions:

  1. Is this problem truly as unique and difficult as I believe?
  2. What approach would someone I admire take in this situation?

By challenging our perception of the problem’s difficulty and seeking inspiration from others, we expand our possibilities and pave the way for creative problem-solving.


In our journey through business and life, we encounter numerous challenges. By embracing self-observation, logic, and a long-term outlook, we can tackle these situations more effectively. Remember, feeling offended is a choice, worrying excessively is often futile, unfairness can be approached with empathy, tough decisions benefit from a long-term perspective, and difficult projects can be overcome by seeking inspiration from others. By incorporating these epiphanies and questions into our lives, we empower ourselves to navigate challenges with grace, resilience, and a logical mindset. Let us embark on this path of self-awareness, logic, and long-term thinking, and witness the transformation it brings to our businesses and lives.

HomeCareersThe Power of Logic: Tackling Common Problematic Situations with Epiphanies and Questions