Over the course of the last 20 years, Dutch photographer Hans Eijkelboom has been lurking and shooting along the world’s busiest streets, documenting fashion trends worn by people in New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Shanghai and beyond. The images are laid out into grids and compiled into one comprehensive book – People of the Twenty-First Century. The “Photographic Journal” is the largest, most comprehensive work of his to date, features no less than 6,000 individual portraits.
Eijkelboom’s process involved scouting busy pedestrian areas, often near malls, observing passerby and looking for recurring elements – people in band T‐shirts, fur caps or beige trench coats; young couples walking arm in arm; women in suit dresses; men with gelled hair or pushing shopping trolleys. Using a trigger in his pocket, he snapped the photos from a camera hung around his neck. Later, in his Amsterdam studio he’d arrange the images into grids that he called ‘Photo Notes’. Their simplicity of form and presentation belies their complex anthropological, social and artistic commentary.

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