10 Most Weird Kissing Styles Most Women Hate !

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Kissing is never boring. In fact, it's practically a crime if you don't like it; after all kissing is one of the most fun things to do with your partner! All those special kisses: the first kiss, the ones that make butterflies fly in your stomach; passionate kisses that you yearn for when you're apart, they're the stuff that relationships are made off.

But if you feel your kissing style has right, then just go down to see most weird styles of kiss you shouls never try with your partner. most women will hate these kissing styles. so take a note on this & do proper sexy kisses.

1. The Tongue Overkill

A huge deal breaker for a gal is being kissed with too much tongue or using too much force with it. Additionally receiving too much tongue too fast is bound to make her gag!

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2. Only Little Pecks

On the other hand, when a gal is feeling ready for more romance, it’s boring if your kiss never gets beyond the "pecking phase". Hundreds of pecks and not moving on into a deeper kiss, will make her frustrated and annoyed fast.

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3. Suffocating Smooches

Great kisses are supposed to leave her breathless, but not feeling as if she's drowning. Let your girl come up for air or you will literally kill the romantic mood.

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4. Too Wet

Yuck. . . you know that feeling when saliva is left all over your mouth and face after you kiss someone? Fellas, that’s not the kind of wet gals are looking for.

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5. Sloppy Kiss

Similar to the overly wet kiss, sloppy kisses are messy. Instead focus on slowing your kiss down, gals don’t like when you try to fit the entire bottom half of our face into their mouths. Sloppy kisses give gals the shivers.

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6. Dead Lips

This is where the person's lips just don't respond or participate in kissing. She's gonna wonder if you're even into kissing her at all? One episode of dead lips, and your girl will lose interest.

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7. Porn Tongue

The majority of porn is made to turn men on, so it's a good idea NOT to copy what you've seen. If you’re not sure how to use your tongue, ask what she wants. Let her show you, rather than assuming..

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8. The Vacuum

This kind of kiss feels like the person is trying to suck out all the air from your mouth. It's totally not sexy dude, and not sensuous. Think of having a hand-held vacuum and sticking your lips on it? Horrible, right? You wouldn't like it either.

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9. The Lizard

This is where the person’s tongue shoots in and out of your mouth rapidly, like a lizard searching for food. It feels robotic and mechanical, and NOT humanlike at all

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10. Vampire kiss

The occasional lip bite may be sexy, but if it feels like you’re trying to seriously eat her face, just know it's kinda freaky and she won’t be leaning in for any more kisses.

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H/T: topvines.mobi

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HomeLifeLifestyle10 Most Weird Kissing Styles Most Women Hate !