Amazing Cancer Awareness Ad For Hair Shampoo in Sweden

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Another Ad Using The Concept to Spread Cancer Awareness

Earlier in March this year, a Swedish subway ad got a lot of attention by showing a woman’s hair blowing beautifully in the wind each time a train arrived.The idea was to show easy-to-manage hair that’s always beautiful even against the wind. The shampoo company, Apotek gained a lot of praises for the innovative use of this technology.

Taking it to the next level, Swedish ad agency Garbergs, in association with The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation, used the technology to convey a moving message. This, due to its very subject is a very impactful ad. Messages that are delivered in such unconventional way along with an element of shock, have a more effective outcome.

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HomeMoneyMarketingAmazing Cancer Awareness Ad For Hair Shampoo in Sweden