How to increase Instagram reach and engagement?

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One of the common problems for many business accounts is the low reach of posts and Stories. There is a direct correlation between the involvement of your posts and the size of the audience they will be shown to. In this article, we will consider the methods that will help to raise the reach and bring your promotion results to a new level. 

How to boost user activity in posts?

The algorithm of the smart feed takes several parameters into account. The first is social signals, that is any activity within Instagram. In the first stages, it is effective to buy real Instagram likes, comments, saves, views, etc. This will help to quickly generate the first results on the profile and positively influence the algorithms of the social network. Moreover, it is important to constantly engage the audience with content: ask questions, make calls to action, motivate people to save the post, etc.

Social networks have realized that the most important thing the user has, is time. If a person reads posts, watches videos, or live broadcasts, such an account becomes a priority for Instagram. To keep the audience’s attention, use storytelling, create well-structured posts, at the beginning of your pitch announce what you will share at the end.

An important element that affects the promotion is CTR, the percentage of the audience that pays attention to your publications. Instagram shows content to a certain number of people, and based on their reactions decides whether people are interested in it or not. Therefore, it is important to learn the principle of selling headlines, as well as to create a beautiful, bright, colorful visual part.

How to increase the involvement in Stories?

On Instagram, you can influence and hold attention with beautiful visuals. So, take care of picture quality, work with light and foreshortening, provide a good background and sound, then your Stories will be interesting to watch. Reflect the meaning of your messages not only in video but also in text format. This will make it easier for people to interact.

It’s no secret that people’s attention on Instagram is very scattered, so it’s important to make sure that people don’t get tired of your content. To keep the viewer’s attention, you should make a more dynamic image, and change frames within 3-5 seconds.

The next element that affects the ranking of your Stories, and which is critical to your social media marketing strategy, is involvement in questions, surveys, and tests. The more people respond to your Stories, the more Instagram understands that you make interesting content and it will rank better. 

To sum up, involvement is one of the key factors for successful promotion, so it is important to approach this task seriously and comprehensively: buy Instagram likes and other activity metrics, beautifully package content, engage the audience through selling mechanics, triggers, etc. Moreover, it is needed to use multi-format and raise activity not only in posts and Stories but also in Reels, and live broadcasts, then you will get more audience reach, increase the audience’s trust and sales.

HomeMoneyMarketingHow to increase Instagram reach and engagement?