National Dog Day – Why and How?

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Dogs make for the best friends, and it’s only right that we celebrate them for all the joy and love they’ve given us. August 26 of every year is dedicated to the man’s best and most loyal friend “Dog“. People plan many events on this day for dogs, like adoption events at local shelters, happy hours at prestigious hotels and many more. National Dog Day celebrates all dogs, mixed breed and pure.

In this article you will know about- what is national day, its foundation, why we celebrate national dog day on 26th August and how to celebrate national dog day, what good can be done at national dog day.

National Dog Day Foundation

National Dog Day was founded in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert and Animal Advocate, Colleen Paige, also the founder of National Puppy Day, National Mutt Day and National Cat Day and many more philanthropic days to bring attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption. According to Colleen Paige, “Dogs should not have to lose their lives because of the atrocities they have been forced to endure at the hands of man”. National Dog Day is against any kind of breed ban. This foundation encourages those seeking new canine companions, to consider choosing adoption first.

Why 26 August is chosen as Dog Day?

There is a sweet story behind the selection of 26th August as dog day. It’s the date that Colleen’s family adopted her first dog “Sheltie” when Colleen was 10 years old.

“Millions of dogs are killed each year because they’re simply unwanted, says Colleen Paige, founder of National Dog Day. They were unwanted because no one realized how to properly care for the demands of the breed. They’re unwanted because they were bought as a Christmas gift for a child that didn’t keep their promises about caring for the dog, unwanted because they shed too much, unwanted because they bark too much, unwanted because someone changed their mind. All a dog wants to do is love you and be loved by you. Dogs are amazing, courageous, sensitive and sentient beings that deserve compassion and respect. Please consider bringing what was once considered “unwanted love”, into your heart and home on National Dog Day!”

For dogs adopted on August 26th, National Dog Day becomes many a dog’s birthday and for all dogs, it’s as popular and exciting as the Super Bowl, with the anticipation of the day culminating into an explosion of network news stories, national TV show segments, online videos, shelter events, internet photos and K9 parties planned around the globe! Even citizens who are not dog owners will be encouraged to donate $5 to their local shelter or rescue on August 26th.

National Dog day Quotes

Here are some popular national dog day quotes chosen from different internet sources.

“Animals have come to mean so much in our lives. We live in a fragmented and disconnected culture. Politics are ugly, religion is struggling, technology is stressful, and the economy is unfortunate. What’s one thing that we have in our lives that we can depend on? A dog or a cat loving us unconditionally, every day, very faithfully.” – Jon Katz

“There’s a saying. If you want someone to love you forever, buy a dog, feed it and keep it around.” – Dick Dale

“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” – Agatha Christie

““The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.”- M.K. Clinton

“Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way.” – Carolina Knapp

“No other animal bonds to a human being the way a dog does. And I suspect there is no other animal to which human beings can bond the way we can bond to a dog.” – Robert Crais

“Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.” – Benjamin Franklin

“Dogs don’t rationalize. They don’t hold anything against a person. They don’t see the outside of a human but the inside of a human.” – Groucho Marx

“The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” – Will Rogers

“Happiness is a warm puppy.” – Rita Rudner

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.” – Anne Tyler

12 Ideas to celebrate National Dog Day

Dog lovers around the world share tributes for their furry friends on national Dog Day. Here are some ideas you can opt to celebrate national dog day.

1. Adopt a dog from local shelter or pure breed rescue organization.

2. If you can not adopt, donate blankets, foods, and toys to animal welfare organization.

3. Go to your local shelter, offer anything to dogs that can help them.

Here is an idea- American Kids reading stories to shelter dogs | Adorable Photos

4. Learn and educate people about remedies, how to treat if any dog stung by bee, or had some accident injury.

Dogs, photos, cute, regret, swollen faces, curosity, trouble, funny, foolish, cute dogs, stung by bees

5. Take your dog to walk and fun activities.

6. Organize events and motivate people around you to celebrate the dog day.

7. Organize a National Dog Day party and invite all your friends and their dogs.

8. You may buy a printed t-shirt with beautiful quotes for dogs.

9. Help your disabled or old neighbors by taking their dog for a walk.

10. Have a safety check at your home for dogs.

11. Give your dog some fun exercise, buy some toys for them.

12. Pamper your dog, give a massage or holistic spa treatment. You may shampoo, brush his furs and remove extra-one.

Hope you find many ideas to celebrate National Dog Day and awesome quotes to post on Facebook and Instagram.

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HomeLifeAnimalsNational Dog Day - Why and How?