Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that is grown as an annual vegetable and closely relates to other cole crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts etc. Cabbage comes in various varieties like red cabbage, purple cabbage, white cabbage and green cabbage. Out of all these varieties, green cabbage is most commonly available. Cabbage is used as a vegetable and also added to the salad because of its great taste.
Cabbage is one of the oldest vegetable plants and is believed to be originated in Asia and the Mediterranean. Today, cabbage is probably one of the most widely cultivated plants worldwide in both tropical and semitropical regions.
Cabbage or Patta Gobhi – Health Benefits & Surprising Facts
1. Weight Loss
Cabbage is frequently recommended for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way. Since cabbage is packed with so many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, it is a healthy dietary option for people to eat a lot of, and it is quite filling, since it has high levels of fiber, which add bulk to the bowels. However, cabbage is extremely low in calories, only 33 calories in a cup of cooked cabbage
2. Immunity Booster
cabbage is a good source of vitamin C which is an antioxidant and helps in boosting the immune system of our body. A stronger immune system is more capable of fighting with the disease-causing bacteria, viruses etc. and in keeping us healthy. vitamin C also fights with the free radicals of our body, stabilize them and prevents them from damaging our body.
3. Skin wounds
Flatten layers of cabbage leaves with a rolling pin, and wrap it around affected areas of wound—blisters, sores, skin eruptions (as in psoriasis), burns and ulcers. Keep in place with a bandage, until the leaves turn yellow then change the leaves and repeat till wounds heal. In between changes, clean and dry wounds.
4. Improves Eye Health
Cabbage, especially red cabbage, is an excellent source of the antioxidant beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A (retinol) in the body. Vitamin A helps to improve vision and is needed for the health of your eyes. Moderate Vitamin A deficiency can result in “night blindness”. Severe Vitamin A deficiency can result in dryness and opacity of the cornea.
5. Provides Relief from Constipation
Eating cabbage is good for our stomach and keeps our digestive system healthy because of the presence of dietary fibers. in it. The presence of dietary fibers also helps in providing relief from constipation and ensure that the waste material gets excreted out of our body without any trouble.
6. Cancer Prevention
Cabbage is a member of the Brassica family, also known as cruciferous vegetables. One of their most important celebrated benefits to health is their powerful antioxidant quality. This means that cabbage and other similar vegetables scavenge free radicals from around the body, which can be very detrimental to overall health and are major contributors to things like cancer and heart disease.
7. Provide Relief From Headache And Chronic Headache
Compressing cabbage leaves on the forehead can provide relief from a headache. If you are suffering from a headache then crush some cabbage leaves, place the crushed leaves in a cloth and then apply this cloth ( with crushed cabbage leaves) on your forehead to get relief from a headache. If you are suffering from chronic headaches then taking 25-50 milligram of raw cabbage juice on a daily basis can provide relief.
8. Helps Detoxify the Body
The high content of vitamin C and sulphur in cabbage removes toxins (free radicals and uric acid). These are the main causes of arthritis, skin diseases, rheumatism and gout.
9. Protects From Blood Pressure
Cabbage contains a good dose of potassium that helps in controlling the increased blood pressure which might otherwise lead to heart disorders. Potassium acts as a vasodilator and helps in controlling the levels of blood pressure.
10. Breast engorgement
Peel off the outer layers of cabbage, run it slightly under the rolling pin and cap it over the breasts as close to the skin as possible, to soothe breasts engorgement. Wear your maternity brassiere over the cabbage and leave till the cabbage leaves wither.
11. Healthy Skin
Cabbage has potent antioxidants that can help fight free radicals that harm skin. Free radicals could be an underlying reason behind wrinkles, spots, and other skin conditions. Hence, the antioxidants you get from eating cabbage help in improving your skin health.
12. Treat Peptic Ulcers
Cabbage is one of the best natural remedies for stomach ulcers (called peptic ulcers). A study at the Stanford University School of Medicine found that fresh cabbage juice is very effective in treating peptic ulcers. The anti-ulcer properties of cabbage are due to the high glutamine content in it.
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