10 Hilarious Things Everyone Does After A Break-up

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Breakups are the worst. Whether you choose to break up with someone, or someone chooses to break up with you – it's devastating. Breakups aren’t easy. Trust me, I know. It was tough, but I’ve survived. And you will too. Here’s a collection of some of unusual things related to breakups.

Breakups can be difficult and torturous but some of us have a tendency to make them so much more dramatic than they really are! How many of these have you done to forget your ex?

1. Compensating for lost love with ice cream. And chocolate. Don't forget Pringles. And Maggi. Maybe some McDonald's?

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2. Dramatically deleting his number from your phone. As if you don't know your beau's number by heart. MUST.DELETE.FOREVER.

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3. Compensate with alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

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4. Watching romantic comedy movies and telling yourself that 'The One' is still out there.

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5. Breakup Party. They may have ruined your lives…


6. Plan revenge.

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7. Block him on Facebook , Twitter , Whatsapp , Instagram , Snapchat , Orkut , Gmail , Yahoo blah blah.

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8. Burn his stuff. Try to 'accidentally' send him a Snapchat video while you're at it.

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9. Always look good. What if you meet him? Gotta make him want you.

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10. Get a new hobby.

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Here Are Some Popular YouTube Video About Break-UP | Just Watch


1. What All Girls Do After Their Break Up!!


[youtube width=”800″ height=”500″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5vGzwgZf0[/youtube]

2. Thoughts You Have After A Breakup

[youtube width=”800″ height=”500″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpAniGw4Ax8[/youtube]

3. Real Things You Do After A Breakup

[youtube width=”800″ height=”500″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLq17Y-IcPc[/youtube]



H/T – timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Credit: Vrinda Batra

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