Ways To Remove Your Personal Number From The Internet

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In the contemporary world of technological upheaval, it is noteworthy that the negative aspects go side by side with the positive ones. The Internet is a valuable source of knowledge, which is both beneficial and possibly harmful. This negative aspect arises because of data breaches and people search sites that may make your phone number public, making you a target for con artists, telemarketers, and other annoyances. Moreover, they may try to swindle or bother you while you go about your regular business.

Keeping your information personal is a difficult task when everything works via the internet. Wouldn’t you save time by shopping online? Wouldn’t you pay your bills online? You definitely would. Each individual seeks time-saving methods for convenience. But each individual’s information is readily discoverable on the internet due to such activities.

Data Breaches & Its Aftereffects

Even though normally websites are safe and do not leak the client’s info, there lies the possibility of a data breach. Data that is available online becomes public property. According to Forbes, about 83 million accounts’ information was stolen by a group of hackers back in 2014. Keeping in view the chance of online mishaps, one needs to know about the ways to combat these issues.

A personal number is something very delicate and must not be leaked. You may think the most sensitive digits in your life are your Social Security or bank account numbers. An analysis shows that hackers may now do considerably more damage with far less effort by simply using your phone number.

Did you realize that your phone number, like your Social Security number, should be extremely confidential? Consider all of the accounts associated with those seven digits: personal and work email, social media, online shopping, banking, utilities, and so on. It doesn’t take much for a hacker to gain access to your personal information once they have your phone number. The data most likely to be targeted are:

  • Your current and previous addresses
  • Names and addresses of your relatives
  • If you own your house your mortgage and property taxes
  • Your legal background
  • Range of your net worth, income, and credit score

Prevention is Better than Cure!

There are several ways through which you can remove your phone number from the internet for cybersecurity reasons:

Application Permissions

Nowadays, online applications come with a permission note, so giving it a read and then accepting the terms and conditions is important. Most apps like Whatsapp are encrypted whereas some like gaming apps are unsafe and can lead you to problems. The safest way to remain unharmed is to keep a check on what updates these apps are bringing. Avoid giving the app access to your phone number and contact list unless it’s really necessary.

Remove Number from Google Account

This step can enhance your online experience by enabling less info leakage. The number required on Google is essential to recover accounts in case of forgotten passwords. Unfortunately, the bad impact that it leaves is more devastating than the cause it is asked for. Google accounts must be free of contact numbers so that less harm is done in case of mishandling of information.

Avoid Number Sharing

Don’t give out your phone number to strangers. Many individuals assume that signing up for do-not-call lists or having an unlisted phone number will stop unwanted calls, but the fact is that these numbers are still phoned at least sometimes. Furthermore, less reputable companies disregard do-not-call listings.

Read the Terms and Policies

Another issue is that fine language in companies and organizations where you submit your phone number may say that they will sell your number whether you want them to or not. Before you put your phone number down on anything, read the Terms and Policies to be sure you won’t start getting calls from other “interested parties” that a company could elect to share information with. According to analysis, privacy, notifications, and other related data disclosures from online businesses and large platforms are geared around getting consent rather than educating and explaining.

Beware of Public Record sites

Many websites collect public documents, upload them to the Internet, and charge a fee to view them. These websites include everything from information for private detectives to sites that transcribe whatever record they can locate and offer access to anybody who wants it. The terms of service and overall ethics of these sites might differ greatly.

Make Use of Privacy Tools

Usage of an online tool to remove your information from certain search engines is a great way to secure yourself. For instance, Google’s PhoneBook Name Removal tool would remove all of your information from Google searches and even prevent it from being indexed again. Similar tools are available to enhance your online experience, some require payments for the service.

Explore Sites and contact the Site Owners

Look for websites that are currently displaying your information and request that they take it down. If your number is listed on a third-party website that doesn’t have a visible pathway to opt out, you can try to reach out to the site owner directly. They may or may not be willing to remove your number, ask anyway. Your privacy is worth it.

Request the online stores to remove your contact number after your shopping venture. If you delete material from search engines, it will no longer appear in searches, but it will still exist. Some websites include listings of typical areas where your information could appear, as well as advice on how to remove stuff. It is worthwhile to visit each site because they are all unique.

Parting Words

Your mobile phone number is your personal property, it must be safe. Despite the need to enter phone numbers on online platforms one must try to be more vigilant, nowadays. The reliance on online companies must be lessened to avoid information leakage in the first place. Moreover, the usage of tools that help encrypt phone numbers must be encouraged for a safer online venture.

HomeLifeLifestyleWays To Remove Your Personal Number From The Internet