10 Super Cute Photos Of Baby Rhino “Bruce”

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If you needed a reason to joy, here's one: A zoo has welcomed new arrival Bruce the baby rhino, weighing in at almost eight stone (50kg). Bruce was born at Blair Drummond Safari Park near Stirling where he could grow to up to 630 stone (4,000kg). The once-endangered Southern white rhino is the second heaviest land mammal after the elephant. Just enjoy the 10 amazing photos of baby Rhino Bruce.


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A zoo has welcomed new arrival Bruce the baby rhino, weighing in at almost eight stone (50kg). Bruce was born at Blair Drummond Safari Park

Bruce almighty rhino – the cute white rhinoceros, weighing in at almost eight stone (50kg) was born at Blair Drummond Safari Park. Bruce is the fourth southern white rhino calf born to mother Dorothy at the park. The new arrival was delivered weighing almost 50kg (8st) after a 494-day pregnancy. He could grow to weigh four tonnes.

Keepers said Dorothy had been showing signs of labour since July after a pregnancy lasting more than 16 months.
Bruce will live with his mother and another female, Lucy, for several months before being introduced to his father Graham in the spring.

He is expected to gain about 10kg every week during his first two years.


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Animal, cute, baby, rhino, baby rhino, rhinoceros, photo, zoo, mammal



Animal, cute, baby, rhino, baby rhino, rhinoceros, photo, zoo, mammal



Animal, cute, baby, rhino, baby rhino, rhinoceros, photo, zoo, mammal



Animal, cute, baby, rhino, baby rhino, rhinoceros, photo, zoo, mammal

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Source: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

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HomeLifeAnimals10 Super Cute Photos Of Baby Rhino "Bruce"