Beer lovers, rejoice! Not only does beer taste great, and make you feel “buzzed” on life, beer is also good for you. Well, in moderation.
Beer has long been a popular beverage enjoyed by people around the world. It’s a refreshing way to unwind after a busy day or celebrate with friends. While excessive alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on health, moderate beer drinking can actually offer several surprising health benefits. In this article, we will explore the positive aspects of beer consumption, backed by scientific research and studies. From essential vitamins and minerals to improved mental health and reduced risk of certain diseases, beer can offer more than just a pleasant taste.
Table of Content
- Proven & Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Beer
- 1. High on Vitamin B
- 2. Improves Mental Health
- 3. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
- 4. Less chance of Diabetes
- 5. Packed with Nutrition
- 6. Helps the Kidneys
- 7. Control Bad Cholesterol
- 8. Beer Fights Inflammation
- 9. Reduces Risk of Cancer
- 10. Beer Builds Bones
- 11. Healthier Bowel Function
- 12. Beer Polishes Your Teeth
- 13. Clears Skin and helps Hair Growth
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Health Benefits of Beer
Proven & Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Beer
1. High on Vitamin B
Vegetarians often struggle to obtain sufficient Vitamin B12, which is predominantly found in animal products. This deficiency can lead to immune system disorders and anemia. However, beer contains various B vitamins, including B1, B2, B6, and B12. By enjoying a mug of beer two to three times a week, individuals can enhance their Vitamin B intake. This is particularly beneficial for those with limited dietary sources of Vitamin B12.
2. Improves Mental Health
Moderate alcohol consumption has been linked to the preservation of mental acuity, especially in elderly women, according to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Other research studies have also shown that moderate alcohol consumption, including beer, can decrease the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and improve memory, concentration, and reasoning abilities.
3. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
Alcohol, in general, has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. A 2008 article in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association highlighted that moderate alcohol consumption makes blood less sticky, reducing the likelihood of clot formation. Alcohol can also increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), and lower blood pressure. A Harvard study of 70,000 women discovered that beer consumers had lower blood pressure compared to those who consumed wine or hard alcohol.
4. Less chance of Diabetes
Moderate beer consumption has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in the blood, which can help prevent type 2 diabetes. A 2011 study conducted by Harvard University revealed that individuals who drank one or two beers a maximum of twice a week had a 25% lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes compared to non-drinkers.
5. Packed with Nutrition
Beer is surprisingly rich in various nutrients. A 12-ounce beer contains approximately one gram of fiber, and it is also a good source of B vitamins such as niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, riboflavin, as well as vitamins B6 and B12. Additionally, beer is rich in silicon, a nutrient that is believed to contribute to bone strength.
6. Helps the Kidneys
Contrary to the misconception that alcohol is harmful to the kidneys, beer consumption can actually reduce the risk of kidney stones. The 2011 ADA Times reported that the hops in beer can slow down the release of calcium from the bones, preventing the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, beer’s high water content can help flush out the kidneys.
7. Control Bad Cholesterol
High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) contribute to various lifestyle diseases, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Beer, thanks to its barley content, contains a type of soluble fiber known as beta-glucans, which naturally lowers LDL cholesterol levels in the body. To maximize the benefits, pairing beer with seafood can further enhance the effects.
8. Beer Fights Inflammation
The hops in beer, which are the female flowers of the hop plant, contain bitter acids. These bitter acids have been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties, as demonstrated in a laboratory study published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Specifically, one type of bitter acid called humulone shows promise in preventing and treating viral respiratory infections.
9. Reduces Risk of Cancer
While marinading meat in beer can significantly reduce the presence of carcinogens, drinking beer also provides helpful antioxidants. A study conducted in Portugal found that marinating meat in beer can eliminate nearly 70% of carcinogens. Although the transfer of these benefits from marinade to beer consumption requires further research, the presence of antioxidants in beer remains advantageous.
10. Beer Builds Bones
Silicon, an essential mineral for building and maintaining healthy bones, is abundantly found in beer. Orthosilicic acid, the form of silicon present in beer, is easily metabolized by the body. A 2013 report in the International Journal of Endocrinology suggested that India Pale Ales (IPAs) and other beers with significant malted barley and hop content are the best sources of silicon.
11. Healthier Bowel Function
Beer is a good source of soluble fiber derived from malted barley cell walls. This soluble fiber aids in maintaining healthy bowel function and helps regulate cholesterol and sugar levels in the digestive system. A 230ml can of beer contains up to 6 grams of soluble fiber, which accounts for approximately one-third of the recommended daily intake.
12. Beer Polishes Your Teeth
Believe it or not, beer can help keep your teeth clean. Research conducted in the United Kingdom tested various plant-derived extracts on bacteria associated with tooth decay and gum disease. The study, published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology in 2012, found that even the weakest extract of beer blocked the activity of these bacteria, outperforming other tested extracts like black tea and raspberry.
13. Clears Skin and helps Hair Growth
Beer’s vitamin content, particularly B vitamins, has positive effects on the skin by reducing acne and promoting a natural shine. Additionally, the hops and malt present in beer can act as stimulants for hair growth, making it a favorable ingredient for maintaining healthy hair. Some hairstylists even claim that beer can help repair damaged hair. However, the strong smell of beer may be a drawback for some individuals.
While moderation is key, the health benefits of beer consumption should not be overlooked. From the abundance of B vitamins and minerals to improved mental health and reduced risks of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, beer offers more than just a refreshing taste. However, it’s important to remember that excessive alcohol consumption can have adverse effects on health. Therefore, it’s crucial to enjoy beer responsibly and within the recommended limits.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Health Benefits of Beer
Is it true that moderate beer consumption can improve mental health and cognitive function?
Yes, it is true! Studies have shown that moderate beer consumption can have a positive impact on mental health and cognitive function. Research published in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that moderate alcohol consumption, including beer, can help preserve mental acuity, especially in elderly women. Additionally, various studies have indicated that moderate alcohol consumption can improve memory, concentration, and reasoning abilities.
How does beer help in reducing the risk of heart disease?
Beer, like other forms of alcohol, can help reduce the risk of heart disease. When consumed in moderation, alcohol makes blood less sticky, reducing the likelihood of clot formation. It can also increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Furthermore, a study conducted by Harvard University found that beer consumers had lower blood pressure compared to those who consumed wine or hard alcohol. These combined effects contribute to a reduced risk of heart disease.
Can drinking beer actually lower the chances of developing type 2 diabetes?
Yes, moderate beer consumption has been associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Research conducted by Harvard University revealed that individuals who drank one or two beers a maximum of twice a week had a 25% lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes compared to non-drinkers. However, it’s important to note that these benefits are seen with moderate consumption, and excessive alcohol intake can actually increase the risk of diabetes.
What are the key nutrients and vitamins found in beer that contribute to its health benefits?
Beer contains a range of nutrients and vitamins that contribute to its health benefits. It is packed with B vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, and B12, which play essential roles in various bodily functions. Additionally, beer is a surprising source of fiber, with approximately one gram of fiber per 12-ounce serving. It also contains minerals like silicon, which is beneficial for bone health.
How does beer aid in kidney health and the prevention of kidney stones?
Contrary to common belief, moderate beer consumption can actually reduce the risk of kidney stones. Hops, an ingredient in beer, helps slow down the release of calcium from the bones, which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Additionally, the high water content in beer helps flush out the kidneys, promoting better kidney health.
Does beer have any positive effects on cholesterol levels?
Yes, beer can have positive effects on cholesterol levels. The barley used in brewing beer contains a type of soluble fiber known as beta-glucans. This fiber has been found to naturally lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. By including beer in your diet, particularly when paired with seafood, you can help control cholesterol levels and promote heart health.
Is there scientific evidence to support the claim that beer can reduce inflammation in the body?
Yes, there is scientific evidence to support the claim that beer can reduce inflammation in the body. The hops in beer, specifically the bitter acids they contain, have been found to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Studies published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research have shown that these bitter acids, such as humulone, can effectively fight inflammation. This makes beer a potential ally in combating inflammatory conditions.
Can beer consumption really help in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer?
While marinating meat in beer has been found to reduce the presence of carcinogens, the direct consumption of beer may not have the same effect in preventing cancer. However, beer does contain helpful antioxidants that can contribute to overall health. Antioxidants play a crucial role in reducing cell damage caused by free radicals and may help lower the risk of certain cancers. It’s important to note that a balanced and healthy lifestyle, along with regular medical check-ups, is essential for cancer prevention.
How does beer contribute to bone health, and which types of beer are the best sources of silicon?
Beer contributes to bone health primarily due to its silicon content. Silicon is a mineral important for building and maintaining healthy bones, and beer is a notable source of this nutrient. The best beer sources of silicon are those with significant amounts of malted barley and hops, such as India Pale Ales (IPAs). Studies suggest that these types of beers have higher silicon content compared to others.
Are there any specific benefits of beer for skin and hair health, and how can they be maximized?
Yes, beer can have benefits for both skin and hair health. The vitamins present in beer, particularly B vitamins, can promote healthier skin by reducing acne and increasing natural shine. When used as a hair rinse, beer can stimulate hair growth and improve overall hair health. Some hairstylists even claim that it can help repair damaged hair. However, the strong smell of beer can be off-putting for some individuals. To maximize the benefits, it’s recommended to rinse the hair with beer and wash it off after a few minutes.
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