Which One Is Better: Green or Red Apple? | Fact Check & Nutrition Chart

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An apple is a sweet, edible fruit found in many varieties, mostly people are confused with green apple vs red apple. Which one is better green apple or red apple that should be included in our daily diet? Actually both apples are full of nutrition, vitamins and calories. You can get more information on apples and other nutrition facts from essay writers online, as well as looking below. There is minute difference which is shown in below chart.

Green Apple vs Red Apple – Nutrition Difference Chart

Calorie, vitamins, sugar, carbohydrate, iron, protein, potassium and calcium stats.
Nutrition ListGreen AppleRed Apple
Calorie58 kcal59 kcal
Sugar9.59 g10.48 g
Carbohydrate13.61 g (5% DV)14.06 g (5% DV)
Dietary Fiber2.8 g (11% DV)2.3 g (9% DV)
Protein0.44 g (1% DV)0.27 g (1% DV)
Iron0.15 mg (1% DV)0.11 mg (1% DV)
Potassium120 mg (3% DV)104 mg (2% DV)
Calcium5 mg (0% DV)6 mg (1% DV)
Vitamin A100 IU (2% DV)55 IU (1% DV)
Vitamin B0.037 mg (2% DV)0.034 mg (2% DV)
Vitamin C15 mg (1% DV) 12.5 mg (1% DV)
Vitamin E0.18 mg (1% DV)0.24 mg (1% DV)
Vitamin K3.2 mcg (4% DV)2.6 mcg (3% DV)

When it comes to green versus red apple, it is a tough call, as both apples contain their own nutritional benefits. They have a few small differences but are more similar than they are different when it comes to nutrition.

Green apples are mostly sour in taste and red apples are sweeter than green one. From the above chart also, we could conclude that green apples are better source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K than red apple. Also green apples contain more Iron, Potassium, Protein than red apple.

The health benefit differences are negligible. However, green apples may contain slightly more fiber and less carbohydrates and sugar than red apples. If you want to include more antioxidants in your diet, then red apples must be your preference. Again, the difference is small. Apples are rich in antioxidants, pectin, quercetin and flavonoids to protect our cells from oxidative damage. They are particularly good for heart, bowel and liver health and make an easy to carry, tasty snack.

Proven Health Benefits Of Apple

  1. Apple Juice is Good for Heart
  2. They can help Breathing Problems
  3. They’re Good for Your Brain
  4. Apples Boost Your Immune System
  5. It keeps You Slim
  6. Apple Juice Cures Constipation
  7. Reducing the Risk of Stroke
  8. Keep Your Liver Healthy
  9. Apple Juice Prevents Cancer
  10. Reducing the Risk of Diabetes
  11. Radiance Booster
  12. Preventing Asthma Attacks …(read more)

Green Apples versus Red apples – Weight Loss

Foods high in fiber, lower in energy density or calories per gram may help people limit their risk for obesity. In general, apples, may help with weight loss, simply adding apples to your diet without taking anything away won’t increase weight loss. There is minute difference between nutrition content of green apple and red apple, though for weight loss eating green apples can play a vital role than red apple. Preliminary research shows that certain types of polyphenols found in apples may help increase weight loss. Polyphenols are beneficial plant chemicals that act as antioxidants, and they help limit cell damage in the body from substances called free radicals.

Although all apple varieties have similar nutritional value, when it comes to limiting the risks for obesity. It seems that green Granny Smith apples have a small advantage over red or yellow apples such as the Gala or Fuji apples or the Golden or Red Delicious apple varieties. Granny Smith apples tend to have the highest number of certain types of polyphenols and fiber.

Apple can be taken in the form of fruits, juices, slices, ACV. Health benefits of apple cider vinegar is miraculously proven helpful tonic for weight loss, constipation etc.

Green versus Red Apple – Fact Check

  • Granny Smith (green apples) have 22% more fiber than Red Delicious apples, along with a bit less sugar.
  • The macronutrient balance of a green apple is healthier than a red apple.
  • Green apples offer 63% more protein than red apples.
  • If you eat an apple every day, in one year you will have racked up 160 grams of extra protein by switching to green apples.
  • Green apples also have less sugar than red apples, which makes sense considering their taste is more tart and less sweet.
  • The sugar in red apples is not unhealthy in and of itself.
  • If you are trying to reduce your overall sugar intake it can help to switch to green apples, especially if you eat this fruit regularly.
  • Excess consumption of sugar is the basic cause of insulin resistance, which can lead to dangerous health problems like type 2 diabetes.
  • Compared to a red delicious apple, a Granny Smith (Green) apple provides more: Iron, Niacin, Potassium, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 & Vitamin K.
  • Red apple have higher, infact the biggest punch when it comes to antioxidants.
  • Eating plenty of apples can also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, improve lung health, and decrease asthma.

Green Apples vs Red apples – Conclusion

Green and red apples have distinct nutrient and chemical profiles.

Does this mean one is healthier than the other?

Green apples are more nutritious in many different ways. However, Red Delicious apples will provide more antioxidants. So, the question of which variety of apple is best for your health depends on your individual goals. Most people will benefit greatly from the extra fiber, vitamins, and minerals found in a Granny Smith. If you already eat a high-fiber, nutritious diet, the antioxidants in red apples may benefit you more.

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