How is Ancient Greek Culture so Prevalent in the Modern Age?

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There are various fascinating cultures from thousands of years ago that people are still obsessed with. It could be argued, though, that of all of them the ancient Greeks were the most influential and have had the biggest impact on modern culture. There are various reasons why ancient Greek culture is still so prevalent, and it has inspired everything from politics to entertainment.

The Entertainment Industry Began in Ancient Greece

Part of the reason why ancient Greek culture is still appreciated in the contemporary age is that the people that existed back then had similar desires and interests to those who exist today. Those people willed to be entertained and they wanted pleasure in their lives.

The civilization that thrived before its sacking by the Romans around 146 BC is credited with starting a lot of the entertainment options that are still hugely popular to this day. Indeed, theatre, music, and sports all have their roots in ancient Greece.

Ancient Greek theatre had an emphasis on storytelling, character development, and spectacle. Stage performances may have been invented long before the Greeks came along, but there’s no doubt that the Greeks changed the game and their ideas have had a lasting impact on modern theatre.

The tradition of the Greek chorus is another aspect of theatre that began in the era. This was a group of actors who sang and danced in unison to comment on the action, and it has been adapted in various forms across modern theatre and musicals.

Ancient Greek music had a lasting impact on modern entertainment. For example, Greek scales and modes were the basis of medieval and Renaissance music. These were later used in various forms of Western composition. There was also Greek lyric poetry, which was often set to a tune and performed by a solo singer accompanied by a lyre. Artists like Ed Sheeran could be considered the modern equivalent of this.

Sports can be traced back to ancient Greek civilization. The people of the era were well known for their athletic competitions, with the Olympic games being the most famous. The games were held every four years in Olympia and were dedicated to Zeus. These continue to this day and are contested by athletes from countries all over the world.

Other Greek sports like running, wrestling, and boxing continue to this day and are massive money earners for the organizations that host events.

Modern Entertainment Options Packed with Greek Themes

Along with sparking the entertainment industry that we know and love today, ancient Greece is one of the most popular themes that writers turn to when they seek to create new content. For example, Homer’s Iliad has been reworked countless times, with Troy: Fall of a City on Netflix one of the most recent offerings about it.

In gaming, ancient Greece is one of the most prominent genres, and it can be found in titles across a vast range of platforms. Console players were recently treated to Assassin’s Creed Odyssey from Ubisoft, with the title featuring many legends and tales from the culture of the age.

On mobile, there are numerous mainstream titles packed with gods and heroes that were popular at the time. These include games like Immortalis, Fury of the Gods, and Titan: Olympus War. These are among some of the most-played titles in the mobile market.

Online casino players are in luck when it comes to free slots and demos that embrace ancient Greek culture as well. There are so many slots that use the epic themes of the time, with Battle of Gods from Playtech being one of the top-rated. The developer is known for making superhero games and this title has been referred to as the ultimate fight between good and evil.

Greek Philosophy and Ideas Still Influence Modern Society

A vast number of great thinkers from ancient Greece are still lauded in the modern age, and their ideas are highly relevant despite being conceived more than two thousand years ago.

Indeed, the works of ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle have influenced the development of Western philosophy and continue to be studied and debated everywhere from university lecture halls to coffee shops to this day.

Their ideas about ethics, politics, and the nature of reality have shaped the way we think about these topics and have had a significant impact on the development of modern science and psychology.

Another enduring thing about ancient Greece is that it is credited with being the birthplace of democracy. The city-state of Athens was famous for its democratic system of government, which allowed citizens to participate directly in the decision-making process.

The principles of democracy continue to shape modern political systems and are considered fundamental to the functioning of society. Without ancient Greece and the great minds that existed then, there’s an argument that the political systems we know and rely on today may never have come to be.

Ancient Greek literature continues to be read and studied around the world as well. Many of the works from the era include epic poems, tragedies, and comedies, and people are still coming up with new theories and interpretations of their themes.

It’s amazing to think that the works of Homer, Sophocles, and Euripides are still widely performed in theatres around the world. Early-stage representations of their stories began thousands of years ago, and continue to this day. Their stories and characters have become an integral part of Western culture and the concepts are adapted for a range of new mediums as well.

No matter what your interests are, it’s likely that ancient Greece influenced them. From sports to entertainment, the legendary civilization still has a major impact on today’s culture.

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