Kizomba | The Hottest Dance on Earth

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Kizomba is a popular genre of dance originating in Angola. Unlike semba, kizomba music is characterized by a slower and usually very romantic rhythm,The origins of kizomba can be traced to late-1970s Africa, with influences variably attribed to Angola and Cape Verde. Kizomba is characterised by a slower, romantic, senuous rhythm than the traditional Angolan semba dance.Kizomba music emerged as a more modern music genre with a sensual touch mixed with African rhythm and Haitian Kompa. Most kizomba songs are sung in Portuguese.

Kizomba is known for having a slow, insistent, somewhat harsh yet sensuous rhythm as the result of electronic percussion. It is danced accompanied by a partner, very smoothly, slowly and sensuously, and with neither tightness nor rigidity. There are frequent simultaneous hip rotations coordinated between dance partners, particularly in the quieter refrains of the music. Several individuals with a love of the Kizomba culture have been promoting it in other countries.

Presenting Kizomba “The Hottest Dance on Earth”

Lady styling in Kyiv, Ukraine by Kizomba Dance Places

International Kizomba Flashmob Mexico by Kizomba Woman  

Dancing Queens Kizomba Lady Show by Marina Russia

Kizomba Lady Styling – SLOVAKIA

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Amazing Michael Jackson Dances By Kid in Ukraine’s got Talent
Breathtaking Bollywood Dances By Svetlana Tulsi In Ukraine’s Got Talent

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