The Dating Scene in Brisbane

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If you’re moving to Brisbane and you’re single, then you probably would like to meet someone while you’re there. Maybe you’ll be there for a few weeks, months, or intend to make this your permanent home. Being able to find someone will allow you to rebuild your social circle and not feel isolated. And, who knows, maybe you could end up finding a life partner. Either way, you need to be ready for the reality on the ground so that you’re better prepared. Let’s take a look at the dating scene in Brisbane.

Australian Dating 101

First of all, you have to make sure that you’re used to dating in Australia in general if you happen to be an expat. If you’re from North America or Europe, you might see some similarities, but if you aren’t, you might need some time adapting.

The very first thing you have to be prepared for is that Australians tend to be very approachable. You can also expect to see both women and men initiating contact. It’s not uncommon for Aussies to go out in big groups and some don’t really like to date formally.

You shouldn’t see dating someone as a commitment either. It’s common here for people to date multiple people at once. If you’re in your early 20s, things like dinners are pretty uncommon. Group dates and movies are more popular.

You also want to be creative when choosing dating ideas. Brisbane, like the rest of Australia, is blessed with great weather and tons of great places to see. So, when picking things to do, try to take the other person’s interests.

You could go for something simple like coffee, but if they’re into sports or nature, then you should consider going for options that gravitate around those things. Don’t be afraid to step outside the box – Australians are adventurous by nature and love having fun above all, so don’t overthink it and find something where you’ll both be able to enjoy yourself and learn more about each other.

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Where to Meet People in Brisbane

It all depends on what you’re looking for. Dating apps are extremely popular, but a bit unforgiving. They also tend to attract a certain crowd. Bars are the same story. If we were to give you one tip, it would be to find a way to be in close contact with as many people as you can.

One of the ways you could do that is by finding a job as soon as you’ll get there. It might not be the one you were looking for, but this will allow you to meet people and start building a social circle. This is very important because that’s one of the main ways people meet in the city.

Another good option would be to work with a non-profit and do some volunteer work. Try to find an organization that aligns with your values. There’s a good chance that you’ll find someone who’s on the same wavelength as you.

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Dating No-Nos

You should also know a few things that you should avoid when dating in Australia. For one, you should not be too pushy; instead, you should wait for a relationship to form naturally. There is no clear sign when you’re officially in a relationship in Australia. This is often something that just happens. So, if the other person wants to see other people, don’t take it as an attack on your ego, and be patient. You will eventually see if the relationship has the potential of being something more or if you should move on.

Also, Australia is a very progressive society, so don’t expect anyone to offer to pay for a date, and don’t assume that you’ll have to pay for the whole date yourself. This also goes for everything else in a relationship. Don’t expect over-the-top displays of chivalry to woo anyone. As a matter of fact, some might see it as disingenuous and backward. Try to approach people as friends first, then let the relationship naturally progress if it does.

As you can see, dating in Brisbane isn’t that complex. You just have to put yourself out there and build a solid circle of friends so you can start building relationships organically.

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