World’s Deadliest & Sexiest Mafia Leader Woman Gangstar | Very Dangerous “Mexican Kim Kardashian”

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Gentlemen, Claudia Ochoa Felix is the type of woman your mother warned you about! Why? For starter’s, this 27-year-old Kim Kardashian lookalike reportedly just took over Los Ántrax, a hit squad that carries out executions on behalf of the Sinaloa cartel. Plus, according to the Telegraph, Claudia Felix carries a custom pink AK47. Last but not least is the fact that she surrounds herself with some seriously scary looking dudes!

Claudia Ochoa Felix, may be all curvy, glamorous, rich and sexy but she is also known  for allegedly heading the world’s most ruthless gang of killers.

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As a young mum with glamorous looks, curvaceous figure and bee-sting pout, the simi­­lar­­ities with reality star, Kim Kardashian are there for all to see. But she is so deadly that she has the millionaire life and army of bodyguards.

However unlike the US celeb’s heavies, the armed security of the Mexican beauty are not to protect her from over-zealous fans, but from assassins.

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For Claudia has reportedly become the new head of the world’s most ruthless hit squad, Los Ántrax, responsible for hundreds of bloody murders as the deadly Sinaloa drug cartel’s elite contract killer squad.

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The Mexican gang is known to US intelligence as ‘the world’s most powerful drug trafficking organisation’, its hitmen feared as the planet’s deadliest. In recent years, they were linked to three frozen bodies hung from a bridge, eight people shot playing volleyball and a gun battle with rivals which left 30 dead.

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But after Los Ántrax boss Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa – known as El Chino – was arrested, his Twitter-loving girlfriend, Claudia, is said to have been installed as the new chief.

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Until then her every move had been charted on social media sites where she regularly posted pictures of herself in stilettos, caressing her custom-made pink AK-47 automatic rifle, reclining among masked men and propping a deadly M16 assault rifle on her curvaceous hip.

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Her portrayal of a life of narcotics and narcissism undercut her emphatic denial that she is La Emperatriz de Los Ántrax – the Empress of Los Ántrax.

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Known as the Mexican Kim Kardashian, the mother of three gained notoriety after it was wrongly reported she had been tortured and assassinated. The victim was, in fact, Yurina Castillo Torres, a former girlfriend of Gamboa who looked remarkably like Claudia. Despite her insistence that she is just a devoted mum, Claudia wasted no time in capitalising on the mistake by raising her notoriety through her internet sites with a flood of incriminating pictures.
The images of her past however remain across the internet. Pictures showing her AK-47 on the red leather seats of a BMW Series 3, the skull symbol of Los Antrax painted in black on the ammunition clip and another of one of her young sons lying on a bed covered in bundles of cash.

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She can be seen posing with members of a folk band which composed a ballad to Los Ántrax. In one photo, the 27-year-old is even seen holding a grenade launcher while warning: ‘Watch your step, friend!’
Claudia is also seen countless times in images posted by young members of the Sinaloa. One intelligence source said:

Felix claims she is just a regular mum but how many mothers have custom-made guns?
She has access to astronomical wealth but has never worked a day nor come from a family with money. None of her former boyfriends have either.

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The father of her children is reported to be feared cartel lieutenant El Chavo Felix. However they split and Claudia moved on to another gang member Dorian Trinidad Leon Angulo who later died in a car crash shortly after escaping jail in 2011 while Claudia sat by his side.

She survived and again found love inside the cartel, becoming involved with El Chino who, according to reports, she went on to marry. The playboy was the gang’s top enforcer. His main roles were to oversee its armed squadron and protect Sinaloa’s top brass, which included the leader of the cartel, El Chapo (Shorty) Guzman, who is currently under arrest in Mexico.


Here Is The Interview

Claudia ochoa felix y el chino antrax (Corridos 2019)

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